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Head problems

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  • Head problems

    Thanks for the replies to last query! Why do these engines have problems with cylinder heads? Is it a design fault or is it just down to poor maintenance? Could I buy a well looked after Surf and still have engine problems? I can't really afford to be thinking about replacing things like cylinder heads, but would like to give one of these motors a try.
    Last edited by Robo; 25 September 2004, 00:57.

  • #2
    NO. The problems always seem to come due to coolant problems.

    Drain and flush the coolant system thourghly several times, fill with corectly mixed coolant. Keep a constant eye on the temp and dont run the beast hot.
    The head on the 2.4 only seems to cause a problem with heat build-up, prevent the possibility of any heat, and they are indestructible.

    If it smells like fish, eat it!

