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Does Surf have to be 10 years old to import / register easily ?

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  • Does Surf have to be 10 years old to import / register easily ?

    Does anyone know the Rules applied by DVLA for registering a directly imported ( from Japan ) SUrf ?

    I have an idea in my head that they have to be at least ten years old - but is that the case ? Seems an odd rule, if so, to encourage older cars to be imported.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jonathan blane View Post
    Does anyone know the Rules applied by DVLA for registering a directly imported ( from Japan ) SUrf ?

    I have an idea in my head that they have to be at least ten years old - but is that the case ? Seems an odd rule, if so, to encourage older cars to be imported.
    I believe if the vehicle is less than 10 years old you have to get the DVLA's approval that it meets safety and environmental regulations, without the approval u cannot register it

    If it's older than 10 years then this does not have to be done

    I might be wrong thou hahahaha
    Yes it's a V8, don't you know I'm loco?


    • #3
      Have a look her

      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        But does anyone have experience of registering a recently manufactured SURF ?

        Can anyone explain the point of the regulation ?

        I would have thought that if it's all about safety the older the car the more you would expect it to have to pass some kind of test ( apart from the MOT ).

        But exempting older vehicles seems the other way round .


        • #5
          Originally posted by jonathan blane View Post
          But does anyone have experience of registering a recently manufactured SURF ?

          Can anyone explain the point of the regulation ?

          I would have thought that if it's all about safety the older the car the more you would expect it to have to pass some kind of test ( apart from the MOT ).

          But exempting older vehicles seems the other way round .
          I have no experience
          Yes it's a V8, don't you know I'm loco?


          • #6
            From memory you need to SVA or IVA on newer vehicles...

            This is much more of a ball ache than an MOT...

            it pretty much crippled the import business, which I was part of when it came out, which is why most companies now will ONLY import vehicles over 10 years old.
            More Lift.
            More Tyres.
            More Engine.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Karma Supra View Post
              which is why most companies now will ONLY import vehicles over 10 years old.
              All a money making scheme and to support domestic car sales if people knew they could import a 2010 camero cheaper than they could buy a Audi A6 then they probably would

              someone had to devise a plan to slow down freedom of choice
              Yes it's a V8, don't you know I'm loco?


              • #8
                SO what would be the current rules on importing this one ?


                I am trying to resist but am getting a strong urge to buy the above .........

                i love my current SURF, which is a P reg, imported six years ago.

                My main reason for even contemplating buying a 'new' 10 yr old model is that I have zero mechanical knowledge, and am terrified of breaking down anywhere, but especially on the new improved death trap motorway sections without hard shoulders.

                So I am just assuming ( perhaps this is naivety ?? ) that a 10 yr old SUrf is less likely, in principle, to break down than a 20 yr old one ? On the other hand I don't want one so new that it has computer bits in it.

                I would welcome comments on the reliability issue, and especially any hard knowledge available as to what the current rules are for importing a 10 yr old Surf ? Is it just speedo conversion, rear fog, and MOT ? Or more complicated ?

                Please don't refer me to the DVLA pages - I have tried but failed to find answers to these questions there.


                • #9
                  you dont have to do the speedo its a convenience thing!
                  Old enough to know better but then again.....


                  • #10
                    Toyota dealers seem to have latched on to supplying parts for imports I have had no problems for the last few years
                    Old enough to know better but then again.....

