Just wondering if anyone else has had a problem fitting one of the cheaper snorkels, I've fitted 2 now, both from different sources, one with HILUX lettering and one without, both have fitted the wing really well and both have fitted the screen pillar well(2nd one came with a nice stainless bracket and all stainless fixings) however, both have had the same pain in the arse snorkel to air filter box hose, both hoses seem to be at the wrong angle to meet up with the filter housing, no matter how it's twisted, and both are too small a diameter to fit over the air box stub without a right wrestling match. Is it just me? Has anyone replaced said hose using silicone hoses/reducer? Both snorkels are fitted and plumbed but the pipe is less than ideal. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. ![](http://i414.photobucket.com/albums/pp222/andicog/20160729_202934_zpsrm0syuk0.jpg)