You'd be right to say that this post is heresy......but.....
My 2nd Gen has died after years of valiant service (good tyres though !). I have a budget of about £6k for a replacement. What do I do ?
All the 2nd and 3rd Gen Surfs on sale are well past their prime..
The few 4th Gen up for sale seem outside my budget and I'm worried about ease of spares and finding a reliable mechanic......although I'd love one....
For various reasons I need an "estate car" style SUV rather than a double can pick up....
Since there don't seem to be any (relatively) low mileage / young Surfs on the market in my budget range what is the best alternative ?
Anyone have any bright ideas..... ?
I love my surf (I think it deserves a decent burial, not the scrap yard)...but I need a reliable replacement in my price range....
My 2nd Gen has died after years of valiant service (good tyres though !). I have a budget of about £6k for a replacement. What do I do ?
All the 2nd and 3rd Gen Surfs on sale are well past their prime..
The few 4th Gen up for sale seem outside my budget and I'm worried about ease of spares and finding a reliable mechanic......although I'd love one....
For various reasons I need an "estate car" style SUV rather than a double can pick up....
Since there don't seem to be any (relatively) low mileage / young Surfs on the market in my budget range what is the best alternative ?
Anyone have any bright ideas..... ?
I love my surf (I think it deserves a decent burial, not the scrap yard)...but I need a reliable replacement in my price range....