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"Kiwi" Newbie

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  • "Kiwi" Newbie

    Hi folks,
    I have just purchased my first Surf
    1998 3rd Generation 3ltr 1KZ-TE Intercooler SSR-G Auto with centre diff- lock
    It is a Japanese import with 488 thousand K's
    it appears to have been well looked after with a fairly extensive service history.

    I'm an ex pom now living in NZ since 2009
    I'm really enjoying the Surf which I bought for work
    I have my own Tree Removal business and I needed a workhorse that I could tow with and that was fairly comfy as I often do 200plus K's a day.

    I have what appears to be a common problem with the illumination of heater controls. In fact nothing on the centre console illuminates. The clock doesn't work and the hazard button doesn't illuminate. (should the gear positions next to the auto-gear lever light up?)
    I have read many of the posts, there are plenty regarding 2nd generation but as yet, I haven't been able to find a solution for the 3rd generation.

    I'm reasonably handy and quite prepared to have a go, but if anyone can point me in the right direction to save some time , I would be most grateful.

    Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    Hello Shaun, welcome to a very slow site, it used to be humming but like most web sited it's suffered from facebook and the like, you have started off with a very good surf, the 3rd gen, I still have my old 2.4 2nd gen, had it for over 11 years now,
    all surfs suffer from those badly lit controls, guess they were scared of making them too bright in case customers complained, a dimmer would have been better, I have done some mods for guys on the heater and switches by replacing or I should say adding LED's, posting there would make it not really worth the trouble but if you want I can give some advise on going about this mod, it all depends on which heater control you have, if it's the later LCD thing than I cant help but the earlier ones had the useual set of dim led's and dim filament bulbs, replacing the stock led's is straightforward and adding leds to the area behing the switches and sliders is a bit more complicated, I have some pics of some I did but meantime here are some of the finished controls
    Attached Files
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      Wow those dials and switches look a 1000 times better than the stock ones! Do you still do these conversions/mods for surf owners popeye? I would love mine to be done!


      • #4
        Originally posted by 12callum View Post
        Wow those dials and switches look a 1000 times better than the stock ones! Do you still do these conversions/mods for surf owners popeye? I would love mine to be done!
        Hi John, yeah I can still do them, you would need to either get another unit (heater control, and switches ) or send the ones in your truck which would mean your without them for a week or two, I can usually get them don within a week and sent back, spare switches and stuff are getting increasingly rare so that might be the best bet, you can choose what colours you want also,
        trouble is I am going into hospital next week (unless they cancel it again) so I wont feel much like it for a month, heres my email add so give us a call a bit later, ian.price90@sky,com
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Sorry to hear that Ian hope it's nothing to serious? That would be great I'm off the the Lake District on Saturday for a week so I'll send an email when I'm back and we can go from there if that's ok?



          • #6
            Originally posted by 12callum View Post
            Sorry to hear that Ian hope it's nothing to serious? That would be great I'm off the the Lake District on Saturday for a week so I'll send an email when I'm back and we can go from there if that's ok?

            Yes that's fine John, re the opp I had a similar one just under two years ago and it went fine, it's for benign tumours on each side of my face and neck, they did the right side last time so it's left this time, but in between my Bro in law had an opp on his oesophagus (hiatus hernia) by keyhole surgery and the guy accidently cut it, he was discharged the next day and promptly got very ill, they rushed him back in where he died on the operating table but they managed to revive him, but now he cant eat properly and they cant do any more for him so I am somewhat $hitting myself about going in this time,
            I'm sure it will be ok but it's at the back of my mind,
            anyway speak to you later, Ian
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Will have everything crossed for you Ian! Good luck.

