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Compressed Air Powered Car

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  • Compressed Air Powered Car

    A French company has made a prototype car that runs on compressed air. The range is 200Km on one fill up with a top speed of around 65MPH.
    They were discussing this on the radio and some guy from one of the oil companies poo-poohed it by saying, "It's not environmentally friendly at all- the electricity to power the compressor will have been generated by a gas or coal fired power station."
    Why not use wind power to drive the compressors? Water wheels? I bet the dino fuel lobby are either crapping themselves or waving a big cheque at the designers to bury it. At 1.5 euros a tankfull it sounds attractive. Maybe people weren't joking when thay said they will tax fresh air next. I wonder what the fuel tax will be?


    Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 23 September 2004, 00:07.
    It's only a hobby!