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A Festive Dilemma!!

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  • A Festive Dilemma!!


    Had a nice trip today to the local garden centre's "Christmas Wonderland" and had a little train ride to the North pole which my 2 children loved!! they where both given a chocolate Santa as a gift (thick chocolate about 25cm tall).

    Whilst collapsing the buggy to post it through the back window I removed the 2 half eaten Santas from the buggy's cup holder and gave them to my misses to "hold"

    We set off home and I start to smell chocolate really strong, and I realise the Santas are on my dashboard and had melted, some of which must have gone through the HOT air vents!!

    Can anybody familiar with gen2 3.0 heating physiology tell me if this is going to pose a problem to my heating system? electronics? or is my Surf going to be smelling of chocolate for the foreseeable future?

    With Thanks

  • #2
    Probably melt more and spread all through the vents and leak out everywhere for a long time. May even go rotten and stink very badly. Only way to get rid of it completely is to remove the vents and clean them, which means most of dash has to come out. Another reason to ban Christmas I think.



    • #3
      Cheers Nev!

      Its not even December yet! I was planning on taking the dash off to wrap some parts in carbon fibre vinyl before fitting a double din touchscreen.....I guess I will have to do this sooner than expected! how much of a ball ache is it do get into the vents?


      • #4
        ahahaha. wow. Thats a classic. Just clean it up as best you can and stick the heater on hot for a good long time. You will soon dry the choccy flavours out of it. It wont rot, sugar doesn't, and soon as you really dry it out you'll forget it ever happened. I doubt more'n a few ml are down the vent anyway. Choccy needs to get pretty warm to get that runny.
        Maybe you'll get a whiff now and again and chuckle to yourself. I wouldn't be pulling the car to bits for it though.

