What is it with these online retailers?
I mean you look at their prices and you think well that's a bit steep so you look at one a bit more north and it's about the same price you look at a supplier a bit more London and its also about the same price.
So you order it from Roughtrax
Do I want posted or pick up
Pick up will save me £3.90
I'm working on a site at Corsham ATM so well within my lunch hour attack radius
But it's my lunch hour
Go for postage
Whole affair less than 20 mins after remembering my password.
So ordered Monday waiting for me Wednesday
Thank you Roughtrax
I mean you look at their prices and you think well that's a bit steep so you look at one a bit more north and it's about the same price you look at a supplier a bit more London and its also about the same price.
So you order it from Roughtrax
Do I want posted or pick up
Pick up will save me £3.90
I'm working on a site at Corsham ATM so well within my lunch hour attack radius
But it's my lunch hour
Go for postage
Whole affair less than 20 mins after remembering my password.
So ordered Monday waiting for me Wednesday
Thank you Roughtrax