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Bike Project?

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  • Bike Project?

    Nothing to do with Surfs or even Toyo, but would welcome your views.

    It has been a long time since I have had a bike, and the garage is looking pretty empty and a bit sad, so with all the Surf bits I am selling I have decided to invest the money in a new (to me) toy.
    I am looking for a project bike to rebuild and put my own stamp on,I get almost as much fun/satisfactio from building them as I do from riding.
    The last one was loosely based on a Z650 B1.

    I want to stay away from the "barn find " but stick to more spares repairs or unfinished project types

    Do any of you build bikes or have any experiences you would care to share?


  • #2
    If you find an Africa Twin in a barn pop it round my house


    • #3

      I had to move one out of the way to get to a NS400R.........

      Was more thinking along the lines of something a bit less exotic like a gsxf or an air cooled beemer

      Spares or repairs seems to be the way to go, whatever I get, I am going to end up rebuilding/repainting fabbing up bits for welding etc....


      • #4
        had to give up bikes,a couple of years ago due to health problems, bit of a wrench after having 52 over the years.
        dont think you can go wrong with a BMW,though, they hold good money,and spares are easy and cheap to get hold of. one of the last bikes i had was a K100rs,sold it for more money than i bought it for,with people queuing up from all over the country to come and see it!
        same with the final one i had,a yamaha DT400mx,a real barn find from the USA, which i had imported,and registered in this country.absolutely mint after 35 years in the Californian sun. sold that for much more than it owed me. nigh on broke my heart though. a lot of classic Zed's and Goldwings coming into the country from the states ,now.some are just stunningly original.


        • #5
          I think the imports are going to be way more than I want to spend, my sister who lives in NJ bought a Classic Triumph from Cali I would have sworn it had been restored but it hadn't seen rain or road salt.Ever.
          The K series Beemer are not on my list but could well be.
          I think though they might be a bit more tech than I wanted,but am open to suggestions.
          I think eBay is the way to go.
          I have found a few that have taken my fancy
          A R80 that has been stripped down to
          A gsxf that is a project the one is bored with
          Plus a whisper of a zed triple which my uncle is going to look at for me


          • #6
            zed triple, sweet. cant knock the R80 series, i had 4 if memory serves,did a long spell in the early 80's as a dispatch rider in london,so it was all shaft drives. bullet proof really. the K100rs is a lot more simple than it looks. its just a 4 cylinder car engine,turned 90 degrees ,on its side.
            that zed triple could be worth a fortune. getting the exhaust system could prove interesting,though.


            • #7
              As of lately i'm in to the streettrackers, or bobbers what ever the name is.
              I like the Honda CB750's and XL600R's



              • #8
                I've got a Suzuki GS1000 S languishing in an old shed. Spent £1k on the engine getting it re-bored, cranks ground and welded, heavy duty clutch etc and then never got round to finishing it.

                One day.


                • #9
                  Can't go far wrong with an R...
                  K100 I always found a bit top heavy, still had 2 though


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the replies definitely gives me a few more to consider.
                    Most likely air or air/oil cooled.

                    This is sort of what I'm after-----------but this is more what my budget is like
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I bet the C90 will be running long after we all aren't.

