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anyone wonna guess

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  • anyone wonna guess

    why iam selling my house to move out of rotherham?

    any takers

    i hopefully get my surf back with a mot on her by the end of this month
    and i can not say how please i will be to get rid of that 306 that i have been driving hdi crap biggest load of poo i ever came across

    hope alls well for you all

    and are you sure you dont want to move to rotherham?
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    [QUOTE=JUDWAK;828088]why iam selling my house to move out of rotherham?

    Loneliness? (I thought there was no one left there, weren't they going to knock it down?)

    Why not move down to the beautiful quaint village of Havant, just outside the historic city of Portsmouth?, plenty to see and do and fun for all the family,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
      why iam selling my house to move out of rotherham?

      any takers

      Because youve been reading the Daily Mail and now realise Rotherham is actually a waiting room for hell
      Сви можемо


      • #4
        Magnetic field changed?



        • #5
          you sure they haven't turfed you out George lol.Come down to glorious Cornwall mate


          • #6
            am not quite finished on my project just yet and selling the house would be avery big help
            i have another place to live but need money to finish it off

            i would love to live near-er to any of you lot down south i realy would and may do so if all pays off on my project

            but in truth i hate it around here where i live my house in the last 3 years has lost value down to my post code been in the middle of the lastest cse
            that most of us good people have reported many many times think i have posted about it to years ago on here about how theres gangs grooming the young and i was slated from some just like to cops did back then too

            the whole thing is on my door step and now we keep getting all those martches from whom ever that try to get into eastwood to get the muslim pedos and they arnt non in eastwood they dont live here no more coss they have rented there houses to the easten europeans who i might add are worst of all people i have ever met
            i grew up here with every race known to man and i never had no bother with none of them untill the last 3 years eastwood in rotherham has been taken over by these people who are far worse with regards to the young than any one i have ever met
            i have never hadf in my life and this is no joke i had a guy running at the side of my van shouting 2 for 1 mate to you 2 for 1 ? i just drove away the kid at the side of me said do you know what he was saying to you jud ? nop says me 2 for 1 means 2 rocks of crack coacane for the price of 1 he says to me
            iam gb smacked i have never had none of this here when it was a muslim area we had ower problems but nothing like this
            theres prostitutes drug dealers everywhere and the cops know it
            its not that they arnt around the police coss they are but the more they lock up the more there is to replace them
            i'll show you i got some little bits and bobs for my surf when its done it will have 4 cameras filming at all times i will drive around eastwood and put the film on here for you to see
            i after stop ranting
            well thanks for your replys guys
            i'll post up some pics when my surfs back on the road
            its the bending things back into place thats takeing the time
            next week or so am told
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #7
              I will be back with a surf by mid May aswell George and can't wait.
              Unfortuneately there's this crap all around and it will only get worse before it gets any better(if ever does that is)

