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An old/new enthusiast

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  • An old/new enthusiast

    Hi everyone.
    I love anything connected to cars and spirited driving of all sorts. My first car was a Yaris Tsport and after that I had a Focus ST225 for about a year running around 300bhp. The focus is gone now and I decided to relight an old passion of mine - offroading. And what better vehicle to experience the mud in than the indestructible Surf. When I was about 8-9 years old we had an '88 Hilux 2.4d - the definition of bullet proof (and sluggishness). I have very fond memories of the Hilux and remember how good it was off the road no matter what tires it had and it never broke down.
    Anyway I am looking at Surfs for sale at the moment and have narrowed down my options to just one - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/toyota-hilux-surf-4x4-off-road-/121491273297?pt=Automobiles_UK &hash=item1c4971b651

    Any opinions on the Surf that is for sale are very welcome and if you know of a better one for around the same money please tell me.

    P.S. I have millions of questions but I don't want you to read a novel right now so I will ask only 2-3 questions at a time.

  • #2
    Hi and welcome

    Had a look at that one on ebay, personally I would walk away.
    Front off side corner looks like its taken a hit, rear door has taken a hit both on the number plate surround and left pillar. For the price not worth it in my opinion.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      hi and welcome.What is your budget and have you looked in the for sale section here


      • #4
        Hi and welcome to the forum

        With regards to the one on ebay, I'm with Koi, walk away. You will find better
        for the money or double it and add a bit for a nice V8 one


        • #5
          Hello & welcome

          Bit quiet here.

          Please ask lots of questions


          • #6
            Originally posted by aviddriver View Post

            P.S. I have millions of questions but I don't want you to read a novel right now so I will ask only 2-3 questions at a time.
            Unless your Surf sells on ebay

