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TM2 / low coolant combo - good value?

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  • TM2 / low coolant combo - good value?

    I think a few people here have the TM2 and a few the engine saver low coolant alarm, has anyone got the combination product?


    Seems a tad steep at £170? Or is that about right?


  • #2
    No opinions guys? Would you say it's worth getting the combo or would just one of the systems suffice?

    Thanks in advance,


    • #3
      Whats wrong with actually checking the levels ? Daily or Weekly?


      • #4
        Yeah I do that as a matter of course anyway, I guess it's really in case it dumps a load of coolant during a long trip - I'd rather know from an alarm before I spot my temp gauge hitting red. I'm sure I'm worrying excessively and I could probably just do with the digital temp gauge for peace of mind over the stock gauge.



        • #5
          I have a cheap low coolant sensor off ebay and I'm not at all convinced by it. The one you are looking at is probably better. As a backup, I also have a float switch in the coolant overflow bottle and a coolant temperature alarm (set for 100 degrees) with the sensor in the top hose.

          The float switch will tell me immediately if any coolant is blown past the radiator cap to the overflow. I have it hooked up to a bright yellow warning light on the dash. It flashes when I go over a speed bump and the bit of coolant in the bottle sloshes about, so I know it does work.

          The temperature alarm is a bulb type sensor in the top hose connected to an adjustable switch. It switches on a buzzer and a red light on the dash at 100 degrees (I can set this to any temperature). This has already saved me from a potential overheat episode when towing up a long hill. My dash temp gauge showed halfway between the middle and red and my aftermarket temp guage showed 100. It quickly rose to 108 by the time I got stopped and the bonnet open to get more air to it.

          Having to replace the head has made me a little paranoid about temperatures!


          • #6
            I have a coolant level alarm also.

            My float switch has a low and high level float.

            So I know when the coolant needs to be topped up and when like you say the coolant is bubbling over.

            Although the idea of a high temperature alarm as with the top hose fitting that you suggest will be ok in the event of high coolant temp, it will be of little to no use in the event of coolant loss.

            Ideally you need a sensor in the top hose that will measure both coolant temperature and the presence of coolant.
            Almost like a TM2.



            • #7
              I agree the float switch won't tell me if I have a burst hose or rad but when the old head cracked it was pressurising and blowing coolant out the overflow. I guess it will tell me I have a cracked head but allow me to stop in time to avoid seizing the block.

              My coolant level sensor works fine when the sensor is dry but doesn't distinguish between a full rad and just a wet surface around the sensor. I obviously will be upgrading to a working sensor.


              • #8
                I think a water sensor located in the the top hose, or if your t/stat housing has a blanking plug that would be worth trying also.

