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Integral Garage Conversion

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  • Integral Garage Conversion

    My new project
    Long shot I know however, does anyone have a drawing they used to get a building warrant for a change of use on an integral garage.

    I don't need planning but a building warrant keeps it tidy if I ever sell. I would like to submit my own drawing hence the request to give me a starting point.

    tintin, Wolfracer stand by for providing joinery tips.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    No problem with help &advice on building Brian, but we cant help with your paperwork as that is completely different south of the border.
    www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


    • #3
      Hi Brian, we've got the drawings and docs for ours, but if the regs are different I'm not sure if it's of any value. I'll dig them out when I'm back home in about 10 days.
      Too old to care, young enough to remember


      • #4
        Thanks a drawing will be helpful to give me a base to start from in drawing my own submission.
        Much appreciated.


        • #5
          I'll try and copy the relevant bits from ours and then get your address to post or try and scan and email. Won't be for a while till I'm back.
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #6
            The building warrant info will be on the relevant councils website, you will need an existing drawing and a proposed drawings (to scale and annotated). The warrant submission does (from my recollection) have a questionnaire to complete, or did, but it was fairly straight forward. Your proposed drawing will need to include a plan and elevation drawings (especially if windows are to be installed). Once submitted, you are at their mercy, include as much as you can -

            T -

