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Wanted: Wheel nuts that won't rust.

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  • Wanted: Wheel nuts that won't rust.

    The wheel nuts that came with my chrome steel wheels are a bit rusty and making the wheels look a bit tatty (started to rust soon after I got them).

    Does anyone have a link or can reccommend wheel nuts (for steel wheels) that don't or won't rust - I have found various sites that do wheel nuts but none seem to say what metal/finish they have, plus I want to make sure by getting a recomendation from someone who has had wheel nuts on for months which are still shiny!

    Thanks for any help.
    No longer a Surf owner.

  • #2
    Don't let the tyre places near them with an airgun, thats what normally breaks the chrome and lets them rust.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      i got a miss match of nuts and found that the dome top ones are better than the squarer top ones... i think it's cos they're all one piece... i got mine from Newbury 4x4 for a quid each but i think they're actual toyota ones as it was the last few he had and they came out a toyota bag.
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

