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Pics of bare Surf ceiling (at rear)?

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  • Pics of bare Surf ceiling (at rear)?

    Has anyone got an pics of the bare ceiling, preferably right at the back?

    I'm thinking that's the best place to mount my amps etc and thought I'd ask here for pics to save me pulling off the liner

    If I have to add a board to screw them into...that's fine. I'll just trim it out with fabric, or squash the roof liner back over the board if mounted directly to the roof skin.

    Having them there just means they won't need to be moved or get bumped.


  • #2
    would this help?

    the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!


    • #3
      Nah, cheers...already found that one. And the one with Tony in it.

      Was hoping someone here might already have their liner off doing something.

      Long shot, like


      • #4
        Unless the amps are postcard size they won't fit behind the plastic section if that's what you were thinking, the rear wiper mechanism takes up most of the space.

        They should fit behind the side panels above the wheel arches, and you would still keep the storage compartments, but they would be a fit and forget job.


        • #5
          Ah, no...I'm not that daft, honest!

          They would literally be on the flat section of the ceiling (behind the sunroof mound but nearer the back) so I can feed cables up the rear panels and across to them...all hidden. The amps would be on show, though.

          I need access to them so I discounted the behind the sides idea and also discounted the inside the storage compartment idea. I like those compartments

          I'm thinking of fitting a mounting board which will make life easier.


          • #6
            Are you going to be running subs?


            • #7
              I already am. But I'm finally getting around to improving everything. It's currently pretty decent. But it's going to be unreal.

              I'll just take the ceiling off tomorrow and check myself. I'll try and get pics so if someone uses the search (ha!) they'll get to see


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sylux View Post
                I already am. But I'm finally getting around to improving everything. It's currently pretty decent. But it's going to be unreal.

                I'll just take the ceiling off tomorrow and check myself. I'll try and get pics so if someone uses the search (ha!) they'll get to see

                Good luck extracting the plastic 'mushrooms' holding the lining to the roof, they always break! (Unless you have a doohicky to remove them)


                • #9
                  Yeh, I've got tons of trim tools. But those #######s always break anyways

                  Pretty much why I was hoping a pic existed

                  I've already had the side and edge trim off. Broke a couple then, too (on the sides)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sylux View Post
                    I already am. But I'm finally getting around to improving everything. It's currently pretty decent. But it's going to be unreal.

                    I'll just take the ceiling off tomorrow and check myself. I'll try and get pics so if someone uses the search (ha!) they'll get to see
                    Details please.

                    Ported or sealed?


                    • #11
                      Currently a cheap active ported. I'm going passive but haven't decided on the exact details of the sub component. Still deciding.

                      Likely ported as I like bass woofing my head to bits

