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Greetings to all you lovely people

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  • Greetings to all you lovely people


    I am currently sat in Bishkek, capital of kyrgyzstan (sic I promise) near The Beast (no, I am not female but as I am on my own and need a "Wilson" or equivalent it seemed a good thing to do". So to tell the story, but before I begin and before people lose interest, my main point is to say thankyou to all you surf guys that post and impart knowledge. You are stars and have saved my neck many times already. I am eternally grateful to you and will be in the future.

    So the story; one morning nearing the beginning of November of 2013 I headed south from Newcastle upon time in The Beast. Somewhere just south of Christmas I hid Nordcamp, the most northernly part of Norway. After crossing from Finland to Estonia I continued through eastern Europe. A brief mention of thanks to the guy who posted the autoglass serial number for a surf, you saved my bacon. So basking around the med in shorts in turkey for a while then happened. Upon editing turkey and passing through Georgia and Azerbaijan I crossed the Caspian sea by ferry to Aktau, a port in Kazakhstan. 3500 km across the Kazakh step in winterb (the roads were worse than surface of the moon I swear) I arrived in Bishkek a couple of days ago.

    The Beast has hardly let me down (windscreen replacement after a kind estonian chucked a rock through it and some punctures). Your combined help on maintenance has kept it happy. My plan is to make it down to Burma then onward after that (will plan next phase in Burma).

    So, I plucked up the courage to join the forum in the hope of continued support in getting The Beast round the world. So far you have not let me down.

    My latest problem is that in the general nature of steering (poss brake calipers after reading threads). Should I be permitted I will start a thread there. If you are knowledgeable in this area your expertise will be valued without doubt.

    To describe myself, I am a motoring mong. I can however change a tyre, was very impressed with the surf jack and pole assembly. I still have no feeling in one of my fingers however after the last puncture change in a temp of -13 in the Kazakh hinterland.

    If the forum wants photos (surf related) I will be happy to oblige later.

    Kindest regards to all in the hope Team Surf on this forum may get this dude and the beast all the way round.


  • #2
    Brave man, I'm jealous, can't wait to see pics.

    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #3
      Originally posted by slobodan View Post
      Brave man, I'm jealous, can't wait to see pics.

      ...and yes the standard jack is appaling...replace it with a 2 ton hydraulic one.

      Steering may not be the brakes (easy to check, pop the wheels of and squash the pistons back, if they move freely thery're fine), check the steering box play (some adjustment on a screw on top of the box) and the joints in the linkage.

      Great sounding trip, lots of pics please.
      Last edited by andyverran; 23 February 2014, 00:22.


      • #4
        Sounds like a hell of a road trip. Hope your taking lots of pictures of your surf in different places.

        I'd love to do something like that. Maybe if I win the euro millions.

        Surfless, donations welcome.


        • #5
          Great story, but I guess that there is much more to tell and see with pictures.

          Burma maybe a problem as they have only just opened up to westerners and the cost of travelling through is huge! I have followed some stories and it would seem that you have to be guided through in quite a short period of time costing in the thousands. Hopefully things will get better in time for overlands going there.
          .... Which was nice.


          • #6
            Hey All from now snowy Bishkek

            So I went to bed last night after 2 Hoegardens at my midnight. I woke up under 6 inches of snow; now midday and still snowing. Was planning to do the Uzbekistan border run today but am afraid the 3000m pass will be impassible. Gotta make myself comfy in Bishkek.

            1) will work out best way of getting photos out ASAP, may have to be a Flickr account as am stuck on an iPad 1 at present.

            2). Regarding the steering problem - I got a crazy old dude in Bayneu (google it to see its remoteness) to check the tracking. He even had the laser eqpt connected to an old 286 computer I swear. The steering was fine. After 200km it started pulling heavily to the left (I had to fight by turning steering wheel clockwise). After 200 km more and some crazy bouncy roads it sorted itself out.
            This has happened intermittently 3 times now. Ideas? Be aware I have no tools. My plan of action is to go to a garage and give specific direction. Corruption and lack of experience (ability) worry me in this part of the world.

            3. The beast seems to have some form of self repair facility, is this normal on Surfs?? I lost the rear fog light in Norway after ploughing into a snow wall (took a tractor and fire engine to drag me out) only to find it appear again in Finland. Also the front right headlight that has not worked since Lithuania started working again 5 days ago. I love these vehicles )


            • #7
              Only for the interested

              Just realised. A friend of mine set up a blog for me before I left. Have not used it much yet but will start doing so now so pics can be easily seen.

              Please go to: Organiseyourlobster.com to see the first round of pics. I will endeavour to take more from now on



              • #8
                Originally posted by Irrationallee View Post
                Just realised. A friend of mine set up a blog for me before I left. Have not used it much yet but will start doing so now so pics can be easily seen.

                Please go to: Organiseyourlobster.com to see the first round of pics. I will endeavour to take more from now on

                Just noticed from your website that you want a CDP which you looked at getting in Romania. Why do you want one??...and where are you planning on going that requires one??
                You can get on from those robbing bar stewards at the Rac. This can all be done online and sent DHL to wherever you are. Usual cost is about £750 per year along with the deposit/guarantee which is a percentage of the cars worth. The CDP will have to be returned to the uk with all the stamps showing entry and exit of all countries as well as returning the car back to the uk. All a very big pain in the backside.

                Be happy to help with any information.
                .... Which was nice.


                • #9

                  Hey Tonka,

                  I need a CDP for India. I thought RAC was daylight robbery so tried any and all ways to get around the need for one (or a cheap alternative). I even contacted the britishembassy/high commission in India to try and get dispensation. I tried German ADAC because they do it cheaper also (search overland adventure website for the futile efforts of those not wanting to be financially raped by the RAC).

                  So. I just have to lower my trousers and bear the misery on this one. An RAC CDP it will be. Am due to be in Tajikistan in the next week or two for a month or so; will organise it then.

                  One question I do have Tonka though is:
                  A. How long does it usually take to organise (my mother has full and registered power of attourney to act on my behalf to speed issues like this up)?

                  B. I understand that when estimating values of vehicles, 1000 pounds is the new minimum. Does the Surf not fitting into usual lists (due to it being an import) cause any difficulties?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Irrationallee View Post
                    Hey Tonka,

                    I need a CDP for India. I thought RAC was daylight robbery so tried any and all ways to get around the need for one (or a cheap alternative). I even contacted the britishembassy/high commission in India to try and get dispensation. I tried German ADAC because they do it cheaper also (search overland adventure website for the futile efforts of those not wanting to be financially raped by the RAC).

                    So. I just have to lower my trousers and bear the misery on this one. An RAC CDP it will be. Am due to be in Tajikistan in the next week or two for a month or so; will organise it then.

                    One question I do have Tonka though is:
                    A. How long does it usually take to organise (my mother has full and registered power of attourney to act on my behalf to speed issues like this up)?

                    B. I understand that when estimating values of vehicles, 1000 pounds is the new minimum. Does the Surf not fitting into usual lists (due to it being an import) cause any difficulties?

                    Hi Lee...

                    The RAC is quoting up to eight weeks for the CDP...you may be able to push them. The link with the ADAC is still working for some, but you have to really push for that letter from the RAC allowing this to happen. Someone yesterday started a challenge with regard to this. I can keep you updated on the outcome.

                    £1000 is the min and I would push for this. Problem as you know is their insurers are the ones that make up a number of the worth of your car... Direct them to surfs selling on eBay for £1000 maybe.

                    India, as you know, is 500%...... Once you add everything up the total cost is £1100.00. Once your back in the uk you get £600 back. You can ask the RAC to delay to release of the CDP till you get close to India. That will give you the full year that the CDP runs for. If your going through Iran ( huge visa headache ) and pakistan then the CDP is 500%. CDP is needed for Nepal and Sri Lanka if you fancy visiting while in India.

                    Looks like Africa has become free of this crap bit of paper...just TIP's ( tempory import papers ) at the borders very cheaply ( except Egypt )

                    How are you planing to get to India? You sure need to get somewhere warm mate...even Turkey will be very cold at the moment with plenty of snow in the east... Good luck and keep us informed...
                    Last edited by Overland Tonka; 26 February 2014, 11:14.
                    .... Which was nice.


                    • #11
                      Update to Tonka

                      Hey Tonka,

                      That 8 weeks will be a real pain for me if it is the case. I am currently sat in a coffee shop in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I am heading over the aka tuu pass Tom and will be in Uzbekistan by the end of Tom. Depending on winter snow I will be in Tajikistan in about 1 to 1.5 weeks where I will have that month for a CDP. Am going through afghan then Pakistan (am ex mil and have a little help organised in Kabul). If I have to wait 8 weeks I am gonna be screwed. Will need to significantly replan or extend visa in tajikistan or linger in Pakistan (the good part) until organised. Having spoken and argued with the RAC previously they seemed to think they could do it in a month, however am sure they will probably take pleasure in making things difficult for me .

                      Well, it's about - 17 degrees here and I a living in my truck at present (back seats ripped out and a bed/cooker conversion put in. Takes about 20 mins for the engine to warm up and the heater to work in this, yeats with the idler switch working .

                      Thhanks for the chat and the info. If I get really stuck with the RAC I will deffo scream for help. Keep an eye on the blog for the pics, will start taking more. Pass it around the forum so others interested may find out about it if you would.




                      • #12
                        Hope it works out for you. I have to say I've been to a few dodgy places in the world, but my hats off to you for taking on Afghan and northern Pakistan...Don't forget you need a CDP for Pakistan. So you will have to hang around outside.

                        Good thing about Pakistan is that they are paranoid about westerners getting kidnapped (well the good guys are ) and in the dodgy parts the police or army escort you through. Plus they insist you stay in a police station or army compound if you don't make it to a so called safe area.

                        I reckon you can speed up the RAC... Good luck mate, I will be watching your blog.

                        I will be off myself on a two year trip soon....won't be in India till 2016-2017..guess you will gone by then...
                        Last edited by Overland Tonka; 26 February 2014, 20:11.
                        .... Which was nice.

