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Oh the irony

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  • Oh the irony

    Oh the irony, so on my first dry day since god knows when, it is time to try and finally get my head around the transfer case motor.
    Guess what ?
    So trying to move the truck off the patch of ground outside the house and onto the Tarmac to use the ramps.
    Yep you guessed it near side rear just spinning.
    Aired down the tyres ? no good
    Old car mats nope
    Planks of wood nope
    Single handed towing operation ? I'm sure elf n safety might get a excited about it .
    So now to try if my slender frame can slide under the now slightly sunken truck and fiddle with the transfer case motor and gears whilst laying on my back in the mud.
    And I use to mock people who played golf as their hobby.....

  • #2
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #3
      How'd it go?


      • #4
        Well obviously not all those Xmas mince pies have settled around my midriff.
        I managed to struggle underneath but I think I have the transfer case timing wrong.
        If only there was a way I could get a picture of a transfer case motor that hadn't been fcuked around with......

