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Rear Axle Shaft Bearing Puller Tool

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  • Rear Axle Shaft Bearing Puller Tool

    Anyone tried this and have any views on it's usefulness?


  • #2
    Not used one yet, but the job can't be done without it.
    You'll need a floor press as well as the tool.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      Not used one yet, but the job can't be done without it.
      You'll need a floor press as well as the tool.

      n somebody on here www.scottishmudclub.com maybe of help n near ya David ..
      Good Luck

      12+ Years of Surfs ..... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota not spotless !!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        Thanks for the responses.

        I don't think I have an emergency situation. Last month I started noticing a slight jolt on moving off and occasionally the vehicle didn't pull forward when the engine was in drive without the brakes applied. The car was due an MOT anyway and when checking the brake wear we noticed that one of the drums was damp and tacky. Mechanic says it is outer seal but the leak is so small that it is vapour and probably took months to get to that state. Thoroughly cleaned the drum / shoes and made sure the diff breather was clear and all now seems fine. If nothing happens in the meantime I will be changing back to the standard wheels in the spring and will check again then.

        This gives me a little time to see if any bargains can be had in the second-hand floor press market. They seem to range from about 6 tonnes to 50 tonnes. I am sure that the more powerful the better but for replacing the outer seals and bearing is there a point below which they can be considered next to useless, for example 'anything less than 20 tonnes is a waste of time'.


        • #5
          A 10 ton press will be fine.


          • #6
            Thanks again.

            Here is a link to the Roughtrax guide for replacing rear axle seals / bearing.


            I'll need to re-read a lot of the threads already posted here but it is not immediately clear exactly how much effort this tool saves.

            From what I remember the really hard part was removing the bearing and avoiding damage to the ABS ring. I think I had read elsewhere that Tony had fabricated a tool that did this and I had hoped that this tool would do the same but it looks like they do different jobs.

            Is my understanding flawed?

