Yes, it is I, one time (well, two actually, but you know what I mean) Surf owner Apache.
Happy new year to all those folks here whom I truly love - though not in a gay way, just in the way that a bloke looks back fondly on times past - or a favorite spanner. Yes, I'm a bit ####ed! Been a great year, and hoping for a better one this year.
Hoping for a great one for you chaps too. Well, at least the ones I like from the good old days 'when I were a lad' - you know who you are - the rest of you who have ####ed me off in the past, I hope you have shit one you ####ers
Happy new year to all those folks here whom I truly love - though not in a gay way, just in the way that a bloke looks back fondly on times past - or a favorite spanner. Yes, I'm a bit ####ed! Been a great year, and hoping for a better one this year.
Hoping for a great one for you chaps too. Well, at least the ones I like from the good old days 'when I were a lad' - you know who you are - the rest of you who have ####ed me off in the past, I hope you have shit one you ####ers
