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New member saying hello, and a quick question...

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  • New member saying hello, and a quick question...

    Hi guys,

    Recently bought a 95 metallic blue 3.0 automatic.

    It's extremely fun to drive. Thought I'dIt's got both doorsop by and say hello.

    However, I've not had it even a month, and had TWO major incidents of bad luck

    First, I managed to misjudge my reversing, and smash my passenger side wing mirror. Naturally, this was pretty annoying. But not a massive deal.

    Then, yesterday, I drove into some Fricking bins (it was dark, raining heavily, and they had been placed where I wasn't expecting them) so, the rage is properly boiling up now! And the worst part? I only have myself to blame.

    So, I've checked with the dent removal people, and they reckon it's going to be a full body work deal. It's got both doors, and a slight scratch.

    So angry with myself. It's such a beautiful truck (and it's not even my first! That's the worst part! I've been driving a Warrior for the last year or so).

    Anyway, hello, and does anyone know a decent, affordable body work specialist near Sandhurst, Berkshire.

    Thanks all!


  • #2
    Welcome to forum.
    Sometimes the Hello posts get missed.

    Have a look here



    • #3
      People are breaking these trucks everyday. It might be cheaper to buy two doors the same colour that are in good nick and have original paintwork, rather than look for a cheap bodywork firm. In my experience with painters, you get what you pay for.

      Surfless, donations welcome.


      • #4
        hello & welcome Stu.

        Pics of damage ??


        • #5
          Hi n Welcome.... a month in n ya have some battle scars already...
          good on ya ... Do as Paul ( M8WHR ) says ..

          12+ Years of Surfs ..... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !!
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            Hi, welcome to the club


            • #7
              Hi and welcome

