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Trickle Chargers, yes or no?

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  • Trickle Chargers, yes or no?

    I need two new batteries but can't afford them right now, as a temporary measure is it worth getting a trickle charger to sit on the dash?

    Can I drive with a trickle charger connected or not?

    Finally, if it is worth getting one, can one charge both batteries or will I need to get two of them?


  • #2
    Hi rebel

    I can't see a trickle charger doing anything useful with the engine running...

    How about one new battery....and take the earth off the other duff one?


    • #3
      Can't even afford one Andy, lol

      What I meant by leaving the trickle charger connected with the engine running was, does it have to be disconnected when driving or can you just connect it and forget about it, if you can't, I was thinking of connecting it via a switch so that when the engine is turned off, it could be switched on, if you see what I mean.
      I really just need to make sure the batteries stay topped up until I can afford to replace them with new ones


      • #4
        Ah I see...

        I think that might depend on the charger..I don't think I'd leave it connected....
        Need an electrical wiz to answer that...

        Have you drop tested both batteries (and no I don't mean dropping them from a height ).

        If only one is knackered it will drag the other down...


        • #5
          No, not drop tested them, wouldn't know how to be honest. Suppose I could take them to a garage and ask them to drop test them for me though, just guessing that I won't be able to afford the drop testing equipment either, lol


          • #6
            Originally posted by RebelV8 View Post
            No, not drop tested them, wouldn't know how to be honest. Suppose I could take them to a garage and ask them to drop test them for me though, just guessing that I won't be able to afford the drop testing equipment either, lol
            It's not expensive, but if you can't afford the battery I'd guess not..
            How about disconnect, charge them both, try starting on each one and see how they perform...

            Disconect the earth from the one your not using...don't leave the live floating around, they're linked and a dead short to earth makes a mess...(I have a great story of shutting down the LEB call centre from a mistake like that )

            Oh, and check electrolyte levels and voltages before starting, during starting and running...

            and there's more...<12V not running would suggest a cell has gone in the battery..<10V cranking suggests the whole thing has a loss of capacity (it's f*cked)...good battery is 13.2V and charging is likely 14V plus (checks the alternator is ok).

            Tiime for zzzzzz's...later dude.
            Last edited by andyverran; 2 December 2013, 03:34.


            • #7
              Go down to Halfords - they'll test them for free, although I'm not sure how reliable their test is.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tavvi View Post
                Go down to Halfords - they'll test them for free, although I'm not sure how reliable their test is.
                Their test is good..about one of the only things that is.
                .... Which was nice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Overland Tonka View Post
                  Their test is good..about one of the only things that is.
                  To be honest, they had to be good for something. My Mondeo is in for it's MOT on Saturday, I'll take the batteries with me and see if the garage can test them, if not, I'll call in to Halfrauds afterwards.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by andyverran View Post
                    Disconect the earth from the one your not using...don't leave the live floating around, they're linked and a dead short to earth makes a mess...(I have a great story of shutting down the LEB call centre from a mistake like that )
                    Sounds like fun, lol. I'll have to try that one on the call centre I work in


                    • #11
                      If your talking about those solar powered chargers you put on the dash board you will need quite a large one to keep two batteries topped up, you're supposed to be able to leave them connected as they have a diode in them to stop the batteries discharging but not sure how reliable they are.
                      I recently had flat batteries due to the seatbelt getting stuck in the door leaving the interior light on, I put my motorcycle charger on them for a couple of days and this worked fine.
                      It's an Optimate 4 that you can leave connected permanently with a fly lead supplied in the box. Really good chargers if a bit expensive.


                      • #12
                        Are they the one's that are made by CTEK?

                        Been reading about them recently


                        • #13
                          If your batteries are fcuked no amount of charging, trickle or otherwise will be any good.
                          If one of your batteries is fcuked the other one will be too sooner rather than later.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by shokenore View Post
                            If your batteries are fcuked no amount of charging, trickle or otherwise will be any good.
                            If one of your batteries is fcuked the other one will be too sooner rather than later.

                            £70 for a ctek or close to that for a new battery..just get a battery.

                            Just about to buy a solar panel for my truck to keep the battery's charged. Even at £170 all in it will still take a 60w panel 24hrs to charge one battery. There is a site which gives you the calculations depending on your size of battery etc.

                            I'm sure someone will put me right, but looking at the figures of the dashboard ones I wouldn't waste the money.
                            Last edited by Overland Tonka; 3 December 2013, 23:10.
                            .... Which was nice.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RebelV8 View Post
                              Are they the one's that are made by CTEK?

                              Been reading about them recently
                              Much better than the ctec ones, and less than £70
                              They make a high current version now for larger batteries but my 0.8amp one does the trick.
                              They can rejuvenate oxidized batteries to some extent but if it's too far gone then it's new battery time.
                              I have about 6 batteries that I need to keep topped up and it does fine although I'm after another.

