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Woo-hoo new toy!!

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  • Woo-hoo new toy!!

    Hot knife through butter straight out of the box! (well, 4mm thick mild steel anyway)

    Expect some custom Surf items in the near future.

  • #2
    Great wee machine. Looks like those cuts were made holding the gun a couple of mm off the steel if so try the tip dragging along the steel to make cuts easier and cleaner pal. The rough edge will then snap of with pliers and leave a great finished cut line.
    Last edited by yoshie; 8 October 2013, 17:34.


    • #3
      bet you wont sleep much thinking new possibilities with it, as i sometimes say, big boys, big toys
      the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!


      • #4
        Jeez...just knowing what you can do with your bare hands makes the thought of BW with one of these all the more exciting

        Happy to take what you make


        • #5
          Originally posted by yoshie View Post
          Great wee machine. Looks like those cuts were made holding the gun a couple of mm off the steel if so try the tip dragging along the steel to make cuts easier and cleaner pal. The rough edge will then snap of with pliers and leave a great finished cut line.

          I had the amps set too low Brian, as soon as I turned them up to 25-30A it cut that hole out within 10 seconds very easily.
          I was using the cross head tip which allows dragging across the surface?

          I like they way it senses when the cut gets to the edge and automatically shuts off the arc.

          What do you use for eye shades?


          • #6
            I have a pair of small snowboarding goggles, very mad max style. Pic next time they are on
            Any shade 4 or 5 would do, even decent sunglasses.
            You are spot on with the cross head for dragging.

            R-tech are pricey for consumables I use this lot and change electrode and tip regular.
            You will know as soon as the electrode degrades the difference from nice sharp cuts is almost instant.



            • #7
              Excellent, thanks Brian.

              I have the bag of spares that came with the machine, so I shouldn't need any for a while.


              • #8
                Credit where it's due Guys....
                Yoshie, BUSHWHACHER & Tony N just a few who keep us all breathing n alive with these great Trucks of ours, whether it's Trucking / Modding or just plain driving em !!
                I salute you Sirs with a feeling of gratifying greatness for ya Vision, Aspirations, Dedication, Technical foresight n know how & ability that makes me feel proud to be associated with such a dedicated bunch of people ..
                I feel some of the greatness of "Great Britain" has returned in these circles at least if not back in Great Britain itself ...

                11+ Years of Surfs ..... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !!
                Buncefield Burner


                • #9
                  HERE HERE!

                  LONG LIVE THE KING...................sssssss !!!

