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Surf or not

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  • Surf or not

    Hi everyone, this is my first post. Here is my dilemma: I'm 90% certain I'm going to buy a 1996 gen3 surf in good condition. I'm aware of the quality and reliability of the surf but I'm slightly worried about buying a motor with 17 years behind it. I only have £3,000 to spend. The alternative is to buy either ford/vauxhall/ or a toyota avensis all about 8 years of age. What I suppose I'm asking is does the quality of a surf far out weigh the age of a less reliable car?

    Any advice welcome please.

  • #2
    Originally posted by K90mbr View Post
    Hi everyone, this is my first post. Here is my dilemma: I'm 90% certain I'm going to buy a 1996 gen3 surf in good condition. I'm aware of the quality and reliability of the surf but I'm slightly worried about buying a motor with 17 years behind it. I only have £3,000 to spend. The alternative is to buy either ford/vauxhall/ or a toyota avensis all about 8 years of age. What I suppose I'm asking is does the quality of a surf far out weigh the age of a less reliable car?

    Any advice welcome please.
    Hi n welcome to the Forum ..
    Firstly it really depends on what ya want the Truck for /to do for you !!
    MPG isn't it's forte' but can be run on Veg oil /WVO to reduce costs n plenty of info on here ...
    If ya never driven one find someone in ya local area n ask for a test drive, if ya mechanically minded ya will know what to look for, if not again ask local to go with ya or ask for pointers to look for ..
    Have a look in the for sale section to get some idea what ya can get n how much ya could pay .... ya could get a 3rd gen for a little as £2000 with a few repairs needed all depends where ya wanna start, also check availability for 3rd gen parts ... should ya need any !!
    There's lots of info on here, so do some research !!
    Good Luck

    11+ Years of Surfs ..... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      Welcome John

      Avensis or surf. No comparison

      Buy the Surf


      • #4
        Asking on a forum dedicated to the Surf won't provide a balanced answer as most on here would always pick a surf.

        I would however, ignore everyone and buy a Surf


        • #5
          My string is about 3 foot long, no wait it isn't string it is bailing twine.

          Way too many variables to even compare.

          You don't say what the primary purpose of the vehicle will be, if its going to be red lining around twisty country lanes, then a Surf will be almost perfect for towing you out of a hedge row.
          Do what your heart tells you.

          Enjoy what ever you decide.


          • #6
            I wouldn't bother with such a shed. Have you considered a Hilux Surf?
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              Surf , they make you smile
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                you mean this



                • #9
                  Get the surf. My 3rd gen is a year older but a damn better motor than some modern cars IMHO ! You wont regret it.


                  • #10
                    I'm on my second surf & still regret selling the first one.
                    I honestly can't fault either of them & after a total of 7 years ownership & about 80,000 miles I've really only ever bought general wear & tear parts that you would buy with any motor.

                    They ain't fast & they ain't flash but if maintained properly it will out live all the others you've been looking at.
                    If its not broke don't fix it.


                    • #11
                      surf all the way

                      I haven't had that many vehicles, but I have had some good classic motors in my time. None have given me as much pleasure to drive s my surf. I always smile when I get behind the wheel. A 12 hour journey to Scotland is over before I know it, the standard seats are the best I have ever known. I am sure I get better right of way in the rush hour traffic. And it never ceases to amaze me on what it can tackle off road. Yes mpg is not good, you will learn how to avoid using the brake pedal. Mine is an old 2nd gen , nearly 20 years old, but what I pay for in repairs is I think less then depreciation on a newer vehicle. I am biased of coarse.
                      Last edited by Surf77; 11 October 2013, 23:17.


                      • #12
                        Too true. This is my first surf. Had it for couple of years, trouble free apart from service stuff. It's now at Bushwackers having discrete modifications! Driving a 535d msport while it's away- amazing drive that this is in every way, it's still no surf, I'm missing driving it. Can't explain it - they've just got something. Drive one, then you'll find out.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by si tate View Post

                          They ain't fast & they ain't flash......



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post

                            Wot he said

                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Ok, with one or two exceptions.
                              If its not broke don't fix it.

