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question for muliple car owners

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  • question for muliple car owners

    I'm in the process of deciding on wether to keep my surf as well as my new car.
    How do you guys get on with car tax, insurance, storing 2nd / 3rd.... vehicles.
    I could take down part of garden fence and store one under wraps in garden when not in use. I'm of the thinking the surf would be my winter ( Nov - April) car and me new Merc to be a summer car. However I generally do a lot of builing/garden work in the summer when the surfs huge boot and roof rack come into their own.

    any advise?
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Fit the Merc engine and interior into the Surf and then fit a lowering kit?


    • #3
      I have both, Surf & Merc
      I have a council garage local to the house £19 per month.
      this keeps it off the drive for some of the time.
      you do have to be careful with insurance though as the vehicle need to be at home some of the time.
      I have a low mile policy with Sureterm about £200 a year with 3000 miles usage.
      You do need to look after both though and if your not prepared then costs can mount.
      But as good as my Merc is I don't want to loose the Surf


      • #4
        Alistair. I will gladly store the surf here, no charge.

        consider it a favour


        • #5
          Got a Surf, IS200 and an Aristo and yes sometimes it's a pain but you soon learn to stagger the tax and MOTs.
          Finding some storage is the key, find local storage on a farm or similar and try to negotiate a skill trade and work doing odd jobs to pay for it, it can be done.
          Or another one I've used is to find a house with extra space on the drive thats empty dring the day, your car parked there would really help their security by making it appear someone is in.

          If you want them both badly enough you'll sort it out I have no doubt
          Smith & Wesson: the first point & click interface


          • #6
            I have two surfs, I got two the same colour, now I just insure and tax one and swap the reg plates depending on which I want to drive. Run them both on the red stuff n all.

            I'm Kidding obviously!

            I have an 07 Vectra and a surf, both insured separately with the cheapest I could find at the time. I have considered selling the Vectra but when I need to bomb down the motorway Its nice to have the option, I also use it as the smart car if me and the mrs are going out.
            If I like it, Bushwhacker doesn't. :-)


            • #7
              If it'just you driving get three cars and you cam have fleet insurance where the premium is little more than it would be for one of them.


              • #8
                I've got a Vauxhall Frontera, the Surf, a Dodge Charger and a Mondeo station wagon at the moment (have had 6 cars previously) all currently sit on my drive. Insurance is a trade policy as I trade part time, except the Charger which is on it's own classic policy. The Charger is tax free (woohoo, lol) and we just find a way to afford the tax on the others.

                You can never have too many cars lol

                Even if you can't afford to tax them both, make use of the law for a change. SORN one and tax one, you keep them both MOT'd and your insurance company should be able to offer off road insurance for the one not being used


                • #9
                  Move to New Zealand

                  no 4x4 tax insurance voluntary even then only 200 quid a year fully comp
                  i love it and have my work truck so only use the surf at weekends
                  Love my surf and here there is no 4X4 tax

