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My first off roading experience (Video)

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  • My first off roading experience (Video)

    Make sure you're sat down whilst watching this folks, its exciting stuff

    I thought we were going to be reversing back up the lane, but as usual I was wrong!


    ...6 minutes of your life you'll never get back, sorry...

  • #2
    Well done for taking a shiny on a scratchy lane like that.

    Had to laugh at your mate "try and move that tree"

    reply "I can't its a tree" lol.

    Had an oh no moment at the end, it looked like you were

    going to loose your o/s/r arch on that tree but you seemed to

    bounce round it, well done.
    Still on a mission.


    • #3
      Cheers Baz! Most of it going well was due to luck I think. Truck is pretty badly scratched up now though. I gave a small section a bit of a polish and it looks like with a bit of elbow grease it'll be nice and shiny again, just too sunny at the minute.

      Now I'm on the look out for an off road toy, fancy a crusty fourtrak


      • #4
        Hey Rog. I'll bet Si Tate was having kittens watching that . Was yours the only truck out there ? It's not a good idea to be off road with a single vehicle, just in case you get badly stuck, or suffer a mechanical failure.
        " Time wounds all heels ".


        • #5
          Yeah I have admit Mick, it was just the 3 of us on the way home from work. The guy doing all the directing is well into his off roading and felt we'd be fine, basically it was more scratchy than anything else, several opportunities along the way to get off the beaten track and go up some short, but steepish hills, but we'll do that another time. Not ideal, but one of his friends was on stand by if we got stuck.

