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Part postage costs

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  • Part postage costs

    Anyone got and good ideas for shipping parts cheaply?

    I'm struggling to get sensible prices on large items like wings..

    I've tried parcel2go and parcelmonkey....

  • #2
    Those seem to be the worst of the bunch.
    Have you tried http://www.interparcel.com/ ?


    • #3
      I normally use Shiply


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sancho View Post
        I normally use Shiply
        If you're prepared to wait a week for the more relistic quotes then yes, they're OK.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          If you're prepared to wait a week for the more relistic quotes then yes, they're OK.
          You can wait a week for Shitty Link to come and get the parcel if you prefer


          • #6
            Interparcel, parcel2go and parcelmonkey etc are all just agents. They're going to offer a pretty much identical service.

            My online business shipped 1000s of items through these.

            For larger items you can try TNT directly. Or go through one of the large item services with the above.

            Try these for wheels (I've never used them but have had them deliver wheels to me): http://www.directcouriersolutions.co...eels-tyres.php


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sancho View Post
              You can wait a week for Shitty Link to come and get the parcel if you prefer
              They don't want to coming here any time soon, the dogs can have whats left!


              • #8
                thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out.

                @Sy...that wheel shipping site looks good value...£12.90 for a single wheel with tyre.

                @Sancho...taking Shiply for a drive now, coming in double city link for a wing at the moment.

                @Bushwacker....interparcel coming in at £42..ouch, the wings only £30 lol

                Cheers for the suggestions chaps.
                Last edited by andyverran; 18 June 2013, 17:40.


                • #9
                  oh we have a winner, the wheel shipping site from does wings...for £19.95...that's more like it.

