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  • Tps

    HI i just got my surf back from the auto trans man had it checked out and serviced properly (cos i'm no good at diy). He came up with 2 fault codes 41 and 62, he did'nt no what code 41 is but 62 is solenoid.He thinks that fault 41 might have trigered 62 some how cos when a solenoid packs up it packs up. The ones on my toy are working he said! having searched this wonderfull sight and found the very long list of threads on codes(your all so helpefull) i now no what 41 is. so now can you please tell me or even better show me on a pic or 2 what/where the TPS sensor is?????? CHEERS

  • #2
    Glad you got somewhere with the codes. 74 is FRIED RICE LOL


    • #3
      Originally posted by ming
      HI i just got my surf back from the auto trans man had it checked out and serviced properly (cos i'm no good at diy). He came up with 2 fault codes 41 and 62, he did'nt no what code 41 is but 62 is solenoid.He thinks that fault 41 might have trigered 62 some how cos when a solenoid packs up it packs up. The ones on my toy are working he said! having searched this wonderfull sight and found the very long list of threads on codes(your all so helpefull) i now no what 41 is. so now can you please tell me or even better show me on a pic or 2 what/where the TPS sensor is?????? CHEERS
      Wot Surf you got 2.4 , 3.0 diesel or a petrol .
      Update your vehicle details and someone will surley help you
      TPS I assume is the throttle position sensor ?

      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        This is where it is on the 3.0 http://www.afm15.dial.pipex.com/surf...20Location.pdfRich.
        If life's an uphill struggle then downhill from now on can't be that bad?!

