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Taking a months challenge

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  • Taking a months challenge

    I have decided to take a months challenge and give up drinking alcohol for a month. (just thought, I would like to give it a go, not planning on becoming teetotal, in fact I finish on the 12th June and my birthday is on the 13th)

    I don't have a drink problem and I don't get nasty when I have had a drink,

    I would normally have 1 or 2 440ml cans of larger of an evening and 5-6 pints spread over the day on sat and sunday with a couple of measures of whisky.

    I never ever drink during the day except weekends ( never drink at work and even at weekends won't drink until it's afternoon).

    I have just completed the first week and must say other peoples attitude is strange especially when I was in the pub last night
    Got offered several drinks and everyone seemed to want an explanation, wanting to try if I could go a month just wasn't good enough.

    Why does everyone seem to think I must have a problem to want to try and give up?

  • #2
    sounds like you DO have a drink problem to me......

    the problem is too many people offering you a drinK!
    If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


    • #3
      Originally posted by legendgamesmaster View Post
      sounds like you DO have a drink problem to me......

      the problem is too many people offering you a drinK!

      And that's your idea of a problem ? .
      " Time wounds all heels ".


      • #4
        IF I was going to go tee total for a month, I wouldn't go to the pub... just my humble opinion.
        Neither, if I was giving up meat, would I go to the butchers.
        "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


        • #5
          So why do you keep visiting public toilets...

          The idea about giving stuff up then getting all evangelical is a Freudian thing. The hardest stuff to achieve, is stuff only you know about.
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
            So why do you keep visiting public toilets...
            Cos I'm a big Wham! fan, obviously...

            I'm currently giving up a lot of things, but if I told you, I'd have to give up giving up, as it wouldn't be as hard, then start again, which would be harder. unless you found out, and then it'd be easier, which might help in the long run.
            Last edited by Wolfracer; 20 May 2013, 22:06.
            "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


            • #7
              I would usually go to the pub on Friday and Sunday, so I missed Friday, but Sunday night is LP club night and as I'm one of the long standing members and next week is the last week as we have to stop for summer (gets too busy) I didn't want to miss the penultimate one

              9 days down


              • #8
                My missis has been T total for a year now, neither of us drunk a lot before hand so it’s not really a big change for her. She had just seen too much of the fall out of excessive drinking through her work and decided to give it up all together.

                Her family just don’t get it though, her mum has even tricked her into drinking some crappy wine telling her it was alcohol free! Apparently according to them you can’t relax properly without having a drink. It’s just become ridiculous, every time we visit she’s asked if she wants a glass of wine or something. She’s strong enough a person refuse but their attitude is mental! You can't not drink alcohol apparently!

                Good luck man, hope you can keep it up.
                Last edited by cabbage; 21 May 2013, 10:00.


                • #9
                  Technically, your normal intake is way too much.

                  You're not supposed to not drink at work or in the morning...

                  Anyway, good luck to you. Giving it up for a bit and noticing the difference it makes to your life is a really useful experience.

                  Then, if you're me, you head back to the pub.


                  • #10
                    I can't see what the big deal is here, if you want to stop doing something, then just stop doing it!

                    I don't buy the addiction thing, it's all in the mind.


                    • #11
                      It wasn't really about addiction, it was just the reactions that I have received,

                      I don't have a drink problem and haven't craved a drink, although I have missed not having one (hopefully 2 different things)

                      But maybe it will give me an insight.

                      On a brighter note I have gone up a hole on my belt (smaller)

                      My wife says I should have planned it and got sponsored for doing it.
                      Maybe next year.


                      • #12
                        After a spectacular new years eve bash (I woke up on the second...) I gave up drink for 5 months. Still went to pubs as much but got heartily sick of coke or orange juice.
                        it's in me shed, mate.

