Afternoon folks,
Hopefully the weather is as nice and sunny where you are as it is down here
Anyway, got some time to myself so decided to make a start on the chassis clean up. I've started by removing the side steps, think it looks better without them to be honest, bit meaner and higher
First thing I've removed is the "armour" from underneath the fuel tank. I've been attacking it with a drill and various wire brush attachments, is this the best way to do it DIY? Any advice, tips more than welcome.
My aim is to remove every piece, one at a time, tidy it up and re-fit, tidying up the chassis beneath any parts I remove. Any parts that seem beyond repair will hopefully be sourced and replaced.
Any bits I should be careful removing? I got caught out with the fuel tank armour, by undoing the bolts that hold the tank itself in place, only to have that dangling down on me :/
You get a better idea of how well the metal is cleaning up from the tools shot than my poor before/during pics
Quick pic of the truck minus the side steps
Thanks in advance
Hopefully the weather is as nice and sunny where you are as it is down here
Anyway, got some time to myself so decided to make a start on the chassis clean up. I've started by removing the side steps, think it looks better without them to be honest, bit meaner and higher
First thing I've removed is the "armour" from underneath the fuel tank. I've been attacking it with a drill and various wire brush attachments, is this the best way to do it DIY? Any advice, tips more than welcome.
My aim is to remove every piece, one at a time, tidy it up and re-fit, tidying up the chassis beneath any parts I remove. Any parts that seem beyond repair will hopefully be sourced and replaced.
Any bits I should be careful removing? I got caught out with the fuel tank armour, by undoing the bolts that hold the tank itself in place, only to have that dangling down on me :/
You get a better idea of how well the metal is cleaning up from the tools shot than my poor before/during pics
Quick pic of the truck minus the side steps
Thanks in advance