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Speedo packed up

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  • Speedo packed up

    Speedo has just decided to pack up, Any Ideas on the the obvious places to take a look. I guess maybe the point a where its driven from underneath. I did try a search but not to much about it. Ta.

  • #2
    Packed up in what way? just the speedo or the whole gauge cluster is out of action?
    Its a new truck, Because every parts been replaced


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kiwisurfing View Post
      Packed up in what way? just the speedo or the whole gauge cluster is out of action?
      Just the speedo, all else is OK ..


      • #4
        I had my speedo drop to 0mph while driving to the MOT centre last night, gave it a dunt and it popped back up to the driving speed. Hope it stays on through the MOT! either way I'll have it out to check the connections when I collect the car tonight. I've had the gauge cluster out to reset the timing belt lamp a couple times so I'm guessing there's a plug not quite home.

        If not I'm going to to have to start saving up for a new truck me thinks!


        • #5
          There's a little sensor on the gearbox (I think) that can pack up, although on mine it did turn out to be the Speedo itself that was at fault. I believe you can remove it and check for broken tracks but I didn't have much luck. A replacement set of clocks sorted it though.
          I do have a spare sensor though if you want to give that a go first.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cabbage View Post
            Hope it stays on through the MOT!
            Didn't think speedo was part of the MOT as they've no way of checking accuracy. Rules could have changed recently I suppose.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              A broken speedo is not a MOT fail or advisory.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                A broken speedo is not a MOT fail or advisory.
                It passed anyway and the speedo was still working all the way home as well! Happy days!

                I always thought it was an MOT fail, was a real pain on the old landrovers as the replacement speedo cables were crap and failed regularly. I used to have one decent original cable that went on all my vehicles as I gave up buying shite new ones!
                Last edited by cabbage; 4 March 2013, 20:40.


                • #9
                  Any chance it's a loose fuse? Happened me on the way to a driving test in Mrs Feys Freelander recently; swift blast of "percussive maintainence" to the fusebox cured it fast!!

