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Finally used the Surf in 4WD anger tonight....

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  • Finally used the Surf in 4WD anger tonight....

    The snow's not been too bad where we are in rural Aberdeenshire although the wind's been causing the snow to drift quite deeply in places. Perfect excuse to get out, engage 4WD and get stuck in. A short, steep hill nearby which had a lot of drifting snow on it was no problem at all. I'm not running snow specific tyres either, just General Grabber UHPs. I'm sure the conditions I encountered were nothing for the Surf but I have to say I was mightily impressed. Much fun was had. It's good to know the car does what I need it to do. Needless to say there'll be no worries about getting snowed in. Glad I listened to the advice of others and bought a Surf.

  • #2
    Your post raised a question for me.

    In snow/ice, are you ok with good quality mud & snow road tyres (in my case Bridgestones), or with proper offroad tyres (not a mainstream brand)?


    • #3
      I'm sure this was discussed here previously, like last winter lol
      IIRC A/T's are considered better in snow than muds. It's to do with the tread pattern giving better grip (more like winter tyres). Personally I've romped through snow in both muds and A/T's no problem


      • #4
        Originally posted by Black Sheep View Post
        I'm sure this was discussed here previously, like last winter lol
        IIRC A/T's are considered better in snow than muds. It's to do with the tread pattern giving better grip (more like winter tyres). Personally I've romped through snow in both muds and A/T's no problem

        You may have 'romped' through the snow on mud tyres, but you won't stop or corner as well as you would on A/Ts.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          You may have 'romped' through the snow on mud tyres, but you won't stop or corner as well as you would on A/Ts.
          Over the last few days of snow driving, I've concluded that muds are great at forward traction, but useless at anything else in the white stuff. Braking on slushy roads is always an experience!
          "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


          • #6
            You would be very supprised how good the Surf is off road and in Snow.
            Yesterday I was asked to take an old freind of my late Father to feed his Horses some extra food. This involved climbing high banks covered in deep Snow, tricky driving on the top of a flood bank with a very deep drain running from the Great Ouse River to my left. I have BFG AT's on the front and KL71 mt's on the rear. I must say when the KLs wear out I will settle for AT's all round as they like the Snow better and I feel a better all round Tyre..


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              You may have 'romped' through the snow on mud tyres, but you won't stop or corner as well as you would on A/Ts.
              Don't doubt it. I happened to be romping in a field so corners weren't an issue!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fey! View Post
                Your post raised a question for me.

                In snow/ice, are you ok with good quality mud & snow road tyres (in my case Bridgestones), or with proper offroad tyres (not a mainstream brand)?
                I reckon in cases of snow/ice on the road, your mud and snow tyres will be fine. However, I think if you want ultimate grip in different conditions, you'd need to change to specific tyres to suit each condition. I don't think a "Does it All" tyre exists, not without compromise, at least. A/T tyres will give better grip in snow and mud but won't be as good on the road as a road tyre. At least this is what I've learned with mountain biking. But those General Grabber UHPs seem to cope fine with the snow. But the snow I'm talking about it sitting on a hard surface.
                Last edited by TeaMonsta; 22 January 2013, 12:17.


                • #9
                  i was expecting my BFG muds to be useless but they're actually fine, in rear wheel drive most places, only used 4WD on a really steep decline, stuck in L4 and no issues atall.

                  i think the issue is really that people rely on their brakes in snow/ice. let the engine/gearbox do the work.
                  well, that was a bad idea!


                  • #10
                    It makes you wonder how drivers in areas that regularly get snow cope.
                    It also shows how poorly prepared the road network is especially around these here parts.
                    A couple of inches of snow and it seems we are all doomed.
                    Although it does make me smile every time I pass a BMW furiously wasting fuel trying to cope with the slightest incline


                    • #11
                      How good you are depends on how high you can get the speedo to read, without moving.
                      For this you need to be in 2wd with shit tyres.

                      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                      • #12

                        I must be crap then John !

                        Life is too important to take seriously !


                        • #13
                          I had 85! Down a byway in 2wd. Couldn't move unless in 4.
                          well, that was a bad idea!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                            I must be getting older then John !

                            You are not supposed to do it with your wife in the truck!

                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                            • #15

                              I don't do anything with my wife in the truck - my back's not up to it any more !

                              Life is too important to take seriously !

