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This happened today......

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  • This happened today......


    Stormforce should be able to recognise where it happened.

  • #2
    Is that where i had to pull in when i was towing the trailer with a truck on Vince when it got a bit hot lol


    • #3
      Nope, it's just up from the lay-by down the bottom where you parked up with the trailer. Remember that steep, sharp righthand turn on the way up to the house?
      Feckin' idiot bus driver thought he could drive down there with ice covered snow on the ground!

      They only gritted up to the lay-by from the junction at the bottom.


      • #4
        Aah yes i remember.The same place a scaffolding lorry lost part of its load once on the sharp bend when i was coming to yours.
        It can be slippery enough there with wet leaves on the road so god knows what he was thinking in this type of condition.
        Hows things with you and the family


        • #5
          Originally posted by stormforce View Post
          Aah yes i remember.The same place a scaffolding lorry lost part of its load once on the sharp bend when i was coming to yours.
          It can be slippery enough there with wet leaves on the road so god knows what he was thinking in this type of condition.
          Hows things with you and the family

          Fine thanks buddy, all cwched up in a warm house with plenty of provisions. It pays to plan ahead.
          Craig's school will re-open tomorrow apparently.

          Whats it like down in your neck o' the woods?


          • #6
            Bet Craig is growing up quick now ain't he.Hows the allotment coming on now.

            Had some snow during the night but only about an inch and meant to be more tonight.
            Had to have one of the Northern Inuits put down last week which totally broke my heart


            • #7
              Originally posted by stormforce View Post
              Bet Craig is growing up quick now ain't he.Hows the allotment coming on now. He's five now and can speak Welsh!
              The allotment was a bit of a washout due to no summer last year so we've been using it to exercise the dogs mainly and recently for sledging.

              Had some snow during the night but only about an inch and meant to be more tonight.
              Had to have one of the Northern Inuits put down last week which totally broke my heart

              Oh no!

              Was it illness or injury???


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                Oh no!

                Was it illness or injury???
                She was getting very aggressive and kept attacking her sister.Last week she attacked her and nearly ripped her eye out and it was a case of getting in and seperating them.In the proccess i got the skin peeled off one of my fingers.We couldn't take a chance with the grandson and the vet agreed it wasn't fair to rehome her due to the way she was.
                I was so gutted as she was a healthy girl but she wasn't able to be around other animals plus we didn't want her to bite someone else and get abused for it


                • #9
                  sounds like the same council that dont grit up our way, main roads are ok now but sidestreets still pretty bad, all grit boxes emptied by saturday, and more on the way tonight/tomorrow apparently,
                  give us a shout mate when you get time and its safe to come over



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by angloabroad View Post
                    sounds like the same council that dont grit up our way, main roads are ok now but sidestreets still pretty bad, all grit boxes emptied by saturday, and more on the way tonight/tomorrow apparently,
                    give us a shout mate when you get time and its safe to come over


                    Will do.

                    The road up to the house is ok for 4wd vehicles at the moment.
                    My driveway however is still ankle deep in snow!

