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finally I can tax her today, whoooopeeee

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  • finally I can tax her today, whoooopeeee

    been waiting the last 3 weeks to put my new toy on the road.
    shes a wonderful, very well looked after 3L diesel SSRG automatic 1994 surf.
    as soon as I can get some sun on her I'll see if I can upload some pics.
    beleive it or not shes only done 41 miles in 3 years, each year she was mot'ed and returned back home to roost.
    to be honest it really wasn't even on the radar for buying one, but when I done my back in 18 months ago, I had and have had vans for 22 years, not owned a car or 4x4 so when it was decided by other outside forces that I can no longer do my work due to this damned back injury, a fella I had done work for sometime ago still had this beauty on his drive.
    I just had to have her no matter what.
    the good lady of the house put in some minor whys, but all in all, shes just happy that I'm happy, although some nattering went on behind closed doors no doubt.
    To be honest I dont even know how to open the fuel cap yet, this injury has played up for almost everyday since I got her, so today, with cap in hand, the wifes gone off to get my tax, I have dug out the shammy, the dustbuster and even got 4 extra tyres and wheels for her, [a I have to get them moment], only needed 2 for the front and to be honest I could have left it until next nov' for the mot, but 4 cracking tyres and 4 rims for 150.00, its a steel, [this is where you can all reply wicked, brilliant, gift, bargain, just to keep the wife happy]
    only needs a sunroof wind/rain deflector.. shhhhhhhhh ordered already
    rear seat button thing, spot lamps is a maybe, plus a stainless exhaust that splits into a 2 exit, seen one and it sounded rather nice.
    oh and a proper fitting radio/cd player,
    thats about it
    a belated merry christmas and a fond and healthy new year to you all
    the BEAR

  • #2
    Well done with the truck Bear.I know how you feel due to injuries but the surfs are a very nice motor and sounds like you got a real bargain

