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Dog Owners Beware...

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  • Dog Owners Beware...

    Hi, I just thought I would post this little story to try and help other Dog owners.
    Recently one of my good freinds fell on hard times and more or less became homeless. He had a lovely three year old Lab Dog called Duke for which he could not look after, so I had him at mine, he fitted in well with my other Dogs, but had a problem with eating everthing in site, food from the Bird table my other Dogs food etc etc.
    A few Sundays ago he became very very poorly, so bad I called the Vets and arranged to take him in for examination. They found an obstruction in his intestine to which they operated on to the sum of almost £800. What was found was Polyester bedding material from my Dogs Pet shop bought blankets which he had eaten ! . Three days later Duke came home to me, in quite a poorly state. Saturday night I walked with him around the garden and put him to bed in his plastic Dog bed and tucked him up for the night. In the morning I found poor old Duke had died in the night. It was very very sad for me as some of you may know how I love my Dogs.
    I hope this may serve to help and warn some of you about what can happen.


  • #2
    Hi webbo i am so sorry to hear your sad news . I am a big dog lover I have 2 labbys who I couldn't imagine being without . My youngest labby Bailey is 7 months old and will eat anything he can find even tho we always made sure he had plenty to eat and drink . Bailey has destroyed 2 soft dog beds leaving all the stuffing over the floor I have now bought him.a plastic bed . Thank you for the information
    Always up to my neck in it


    • #3
      Sorry to hear that, Dave. My sympathies to you, mate.
      " Time wounds all heels ".


      • #4
        So sorry to hear this, our new puppy eats everything in sight I will watch him closer from now on


        • #5
          Sorry to hear this. Labs are one of my favorite dogs. I've currently got spaniels along with my dad.My dad's managed to chew a chew proof dog bed, took them3 years to get into it. My oldest has ground his teeth down chewing bricks and eating his way through kennels.


          • #6
            Another warning about dogs eating stuff, my step daughters 9 month old English bulldog managed to find and chew open a bottle of slug pellets, he was rushed to vets within minutes of eating them and still it put him within minutes of losing his little life, apparently slug pellets taste sweet to dogs, vet gave him an injection to immediately bring his stomach contents up and he was put on a drip over night with half hourly observations. From the time he ate pellets to getting him to the vets was just 10 mins! You have just 20-30 mins to get the dog treated after eating slug pellets or their brains turn to mush and they die. Sorry to hear of the loss of your dog, if raising awareness of these things saves just one more pet then it's worth saying


            • #7
              Great tip.

              I'm going to lay out slug pellets for the strays this winter.

              Sent from the iPad you "lost"


              • #8
                What can i say


                • #9
                  Sad news mate.

                  Our Labra-pigs eat everything even faintly edible in sight, but apart from a rushed visit to the vets to make Poppy puke after eating rat bait, they've been ok.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    Sorry to hear about your loss. Our lab, George, ate some gravel when he was about 12 weeks old. Luckily it was small enough to pass through him. It still hasn't stopped him from investigating everything via eating it lol.
                    Hold my beer and watch this

