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Ebay Returns

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  • Ebay Returns

    What would be a reasonable amount of time that you would allow the seller to contact you regarding an item you wanted to return?

    I purchased a Bluetooth GPS Receiver from Ebay that will not connect to any devices,clearly making it useless.

    Any suggestions greatly received.

  • #2
    You have 45 days from the time you paid to launch a dispute with ebay but i wouldn`t wait that long. It takes no time for your email to get to the seller, give them a week to process it a few more days to cover ineptitude, send them another email saying your going to launch a dispute and do it
    If it was me i`d say it was broken, it might well be, it would make it easier to claim your money back off paypal. Assuming you used them


    • #3
      I emailed them on Thursday ,so like you mentioned a week seems long enough.


      • #4
        I wouldn't wait a week, I'd expect a response to an email within 24 hours, 48 at a push... to keep me civil.

        After that I'd be making a claim with ebay.

        Don't fcuk about with these shysters, a lot of sellers on ebay would p!ss on your granny, if they want good feedback and repeat business they need to act accordingly.

        I bought something the other day, it arrived quickly, but was faulty, I said I'd accept a replacement, the guy tried to say that's how they were but would accept it back. I sent it recorded/signed for, he acknowledged receipt but wouldn't refund the full amount including postage as I said I didn't want it, yeah but only because it wasn't fit for purpose... he then had the cheek to ask for positive feedback. Fukcing knobber!
        Last edited by Dodge; 24 November 2012, 23:59.


        • #5
          Me being Me I didnt know about the 45 day rule, so the seller kept fobbing me off with excuses via email untill low and behold 45 days had lapst, so nail the sod ASAP.

