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    am i allowed to post yet

  • #2
    Guess so Hi and welcome to the forum, what Surf do you have?

    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


    • #3

      Chris,how do and welcome to the funny farm.As Wiggy said,lets have some info on your motor and maybe a few pictures,we all like to see each others equipment(if you know what I mean)I believe you can post to your hearts content,you cant send P.M.'s yet,so enjoy your stay and dont be afraid to ask questions,the search button is also good,Alan

      P.S.,I know its in Wales,but where abouts is Llanerchymedd ????


      • #4
        Originally posted by HONEST AL View Post

        P.S.,I know its in Wales,but where abouts is Llanerchymedd ????
        Snot in wales, sin Anglesey.

        Hello and welcome.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          thanks for welcome peps

          well i have just got my hands on a 2.4 surf (but i need to go and get it so no pics yet )its a 91 dont know what model and its got problems with head/gasket not looked yet but will be asking lots ov questions once its at mine


          • #6
            Ummm... It's likely to be more than the gasket.


            • #7
              Originally posted by monwyn View Post
              thanks for welcome peps

              well i have just got my hands on a 2.4 surf (but i need to go and get it so no pics yet )its a 91 dont know what model and its got problems with head/gasket not looked yet but will be asking lots ov questions once its at mine
              Hi Chris welcome on board, enjoy your stay.

              If you haven't handed over any cash for it yet, or you're getting for less than £400, don't buy it!
              It'll never just be the gasket, the head will be cracked or soon will be if it's caused 'gasket' problems.


              • #8
                Don't worry about head gasket failure. Just rip the 2.4 out and stick the Lexus engine in


                • #9
                  the story behind it is a mate got it got a recon engine messed around for a bit gave up took it to a garage warranty on engine ran out and it pressurises strait away hoping to pick it up tomorrow weather permitting all road in and out of the village i live are flooded (that's why i want a surf (pardon the pun ) i don't want to go down the lexsurf road as it looks like a load of hassle with dvla are thee any up rated heads about or are the ones on flebay worth a punt any advice received with thanks


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by monwyn View Post
                    i don't want to go down the lexsurf road as it looks like a load of hassle with dvla
                    Nah, not really. If you wanted to sort the V5 with the DVLA immediately then a paid engineers report or similar would sort it, but we are all tight basta*rds and want to change it for the cheapest way possible. It's a straight forward exercise.

                    Anyhow, welcome mate and I hope the head issue turns out to be nothing major


                    • #11
                      hi and welcome
                      1992 imported surf 2.4 ssr-x


                      • #12
                        Hello, Chris. Welcome. As has been said, already. Don't buy a Surf with overheating problems unless it's almost free, you're planning a transplant, or planning to break it.
                        " Time wounds all heels ".


                        • #13
                          not free but might as well ov been swaped for one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-10-Gal...item3f1ed50865


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              hi pal, lots of info on replacing head/gasket, search away and read !!!

