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  • Lez.....

    So has the dust settled now? I was forced to get rid of a perfectly good VW T4 van because of this poxy idea. My readings on here inform me that as long as your Surf is classified as an estate car on the V5 then all is well.

    Will this hold true in the future though? I assume as long as motor cars are not part of the deal we're good, but my understanding is the plan will focus on vehicle weights and classes. Presumably it'll affect Surfs when it affects regular cars?

    Any clues?

  • #2
    I think as long as its not down as a light commercial vehicle it's fine, some were wrongly registered on import as the same as a hilux pick up. I think even that is sort out-able now though if you have a look through the old threads.

    Iirc there are a plethora of different things they are registered as, if you don't want the hassle just make sure it's not down as a commercial


    • #3
      Yep. Agree with that.

      My concern is when the weights come down and they apply the criteria to cars. I'm guessing we'd be looking at those bogus particulate filters at a godzillion quid each.

