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You ain't gonna stop me pal!

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  • You ain't gonna stop me pal!


  • #2
    Me neither... Cheeky bastid


    • #3
      That's the view of Brian Madderson, chairman of the petrol retailers association (PRA), who, in a letter to prime minister David Cameron, is calling on the government to introduce laws on car washing – just like in certain parts of Germany.

      (PRA) only thing missing is a

      11+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a " T " is my Yota

      (there solved that for him)
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        Originally posted by Balllsy View Post
        Me neither... Cheeky bastid
        Don't you mean, he ain't gonna stop me from washing your truck?


        • #5
          That's what I said, in a roundabout kind of way !!


          • #6
            No chemicals left behind from mine, mud, grass, sheep sh*t maybe but no chemicals


            • #7
              if they want to stop people washing cars on the road then they need to considerably drop the price of these car washes and make them so they don't damage peoples cars.I know of a couple of people that have used the local one to us that ended up with scratches caused by these


              • #8
                Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                if they want to stop people washing cars on the road then they need to considerably drop the price of these car washes
                They can make them free if they want, I still wouldnt use one. Its just not a proper wash.
                Сви можемо


                • #9
                  only advice would be... don't enter an automated car wash if you have nudge or bull bars.

                  My dad had a wrap around bar on his LC Amazon and guess what broke first.
                  angry man at garage said not to come back!

                  on second thoughts if you have bull bars DO use them!


                  • #10
                    I dont think they are targeting individuals, its the same businesses that have sprung up washing cars on waster ground..these guys can really turn over a few quid i have seen cars queuing 20-30 odd motors, that pass thru a production line of cleaners, all the waste water just goes straight to the sewers

                    Back in the day Baby

