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I Claim My Fifteen Seconds of Fame!

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  • I Claim My Fifteen Seconds of Fame!

    Has anybody noticed the Sky1 add. for the 'Toughest Pubs in Britain 2' this Sunday?
    Well I'm on the program, and I'm also in the trailer for it. -
    'The manager don't run the pub we do!'
    Wahoo, fame (LOL) at last!
    Erm, I was a bit drunk so I also claim amnesty, and also the TV crews ask leading questions and dont stop till they get the answer they want so therefore all TV is ??? Untrue? Just a fraction of time? or just entertainment, well I was having a grin at the time anyway so take a pinch of salt before you watch it.
    It's weird seeing yourself on TV
    ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG