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Is this a fair price for a 3rd gen, seems cheap to me?

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  • #16
    Cheers for the vote of confidence guys

    Just need to sort the cash now, which means selling my cars first :/

    As for what do I want from the Surf, I'm still undecided. I was convinced up until last night that it has to be 3.0TD, but after a bit more reading I'm wondering about the petrol versions, they sound pretty good, plus all of them seem to be much cheaper to buy, about a month ago there was a 3.5 V6 2nd gen in Essex for £650

    Don't laugh too hard, but my wife's last two cars have been a Rav4 then she got the newer shape Ford Maverick, in fairness over the 5 years it never went wrong, she has horses, so potentially needs to be towing stuff out of muddy fields, trips up to the muddy fields in the winter/snow, so she'll certainly be using it fairly regularly come the time.

    2nd or 3rd Gen - I'm quite into the whole intimidating, but at the same time shiny and clean look. I think black and some of the dark blue ones look ace. 2nd gen with tidy chrome look mean, especially with the right wheel & tyre combo. Where as the 3rd gen I think look prettier, hence the hairdresser comments, again they can look tough in the right getup, Bushwhaker's looks great to me, I'd just want big knobbly tyres

    I'd really like to give off roading a go, but it'd only be a hobby, and I'd not be able to do it that often, plus if I end up with a nice shiny example I don't want to scratch/dent the thing to death, mud doesn't bother me I'll just get the pressure washer out.

    Mechanics I'll certainly be attempting myself, I've worked on my own cars for the last 10 years, still don't have a clue what I'm doing, just read up on the web and it takes as long as it takes. I'm guessing the 2nd gen is probably easier to work on than 3rd, as new cars/trucks these days seem overly complicated.

    Hopefully I'll have £2000 to spend, maybe £2500 at a push, and from what I've seen on the web over the past few months that should be enough to get me what I want


    • #17
      Well it's simples you need the petrol multi mode 3rd gen for your horses and your street queen desires and a 2nd gen for your mud tyres and getting dirty .


      • #18
        You might be onto something there

        Once the wife gets used to having what I deem a proper 4x4 she'll hopefully look to getting rid of her Peugeot and wanting to go back to a 4x4, we can then get another Surf, that way I can have all options covered


        • #19
          Originally posted by fsaroyster View Post
          about a month ago there was a 3.5 V6 2nd gen in Essex for £650
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #20
            Deadly serious, only had a short MOT, I'm in Kent, so was very tempted, my theory was turn up and offer £500 he can only say no, either way if I'd got it for £650 and it had died on me I'd have thought I'd be able to recoup my money from breaking it, maybe even make a few quid.

            I'm very sad and literally trawl the various car sites looking for Surfs, mostly I'm just annoying myself as I can't afford anything as yet, so I'm just seeing what I potentially believe to be good deals pass me by...


            • #21
              Originally posted by fsaroyster View Post
              Deadly serious,
              What engine was in it?
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #22
                Thought this was it, but fairly sure it was blue, and I know it was Essex as I'm always put off by Essex as it comes up as being just a few miles from me, but by the time I've been through the Dartford tunnel its miles.

                This has a V6 badge, and is £850, I take it the V6 was only 3.5 and petrol, this states 3.0 but could be a mistake?



                • #23
                  When I pointed it out to my wife she questioned why it was so cheap, my theory was that with the price of petrol who really wants a 3.5 V6? I'm not going to be using mine every day, so very low mileage, I'm in a car share, so don't really need a car for work, hence another reason for my seeing potential in it...


                  • #24
                    No, the standard 2nd gen V6 engine is a 3.0L, that's why I asked what engine was in the one you looked at.
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #25
                      The petrol engined Surfs are all cheaper to run than the Diesels.
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #26
                        I didn't go to see it, it was just another ad I'd seen, so perhaps it was a mistake.

                        I'd be keen to check this out if it wasn't so far away. Black 3rd gens are fairly rare, based on my best part of a year of browsing the various ads/auctions/etc - it looks a bit hard done by, but if its runs I'd reckon after spraying the bumper and arches black to match, give it a proper clean and service this could be exactly what I want. In a way I'd rather take a punt on something a bit more worn out looking, basically a deal, and put all the effort into sorting it out, within reason, I think its the whole satisfaction thing, looking back at what you started with and seeing something quite special at the end. This was listed a couple of times, initially in London, which is when I should have gone for a look, but as I say no cash so I'd only be torturing myself, now its up in Bradford, there's still one of there older ads when they wanted £1850 for it stating no tax or MOT, now £1495, guessing still no MOT, so might need lots to get it back on the road...

                        Last edited by fsaroyster; 25 August 2012, 13:56.


                        • #27
                          By comparison here's another black gen 3, for £5000! 99% sure this was on gumtree for £3500 (Private), guess he traded in and now its going for silly money from a garage.

                          Ugly wheels IMHO...



                          • #28
                            Do not confuse the 2nd gen v6 petrol junk with the far superior 2.7 4 cylinder 3rd gens


                            • #29
                              Early Petrol 3rd gens had either a 2.7 or a 3.4 v6
                              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                              • #30
                                WOW - This one on ebay looks really nice, and he knows it, 3rd Gen completely black, low miles, plus it's in Kent, which is great for me, but its getting on for 5K more than I've got, he's hoping for £7200!!!!!


