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Are my tyres safe?

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  • Are my tyres safe?

    I'm not currently using these wheels, but i'd be keen to put them on the truck as my M/Ts aren't great for London or the motorway. Noticed these lines or 'cracks' around the sidewall, looks like the two types of rubber are separating. Are these safe to use?

  • #2
    Check the DOT codes on the tyre and find the age.

    If they are under 5 years old they are probably OK and it's just surface dryness.
    If they are older than 6 years then ditch them.

    Other opinions exist.
    But since I had an old tyre fall apart on me at speed I now don't use old tyres.


    • #3
      Don't compromise on safety, get them checked by a reliable certified garage.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Find a downhill stretch of road, Get up as much speed as you can and violently swerve from side to side.

        I've seen Jensen Button do this on the telly.

        If your tyres are OK then go into a slightly damp Tesco car park and knock out 5 or 6 doughnuts.

        If they are still OK then start going into roundabouts at 'tip over' speed.

        Obviously, for safety reasons don't have your family in the truck for the last test.

        Let us know how you get on.

        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Helpful as ever you knobhead!


          • #6
            Two types of rubber? Are they retreads? Retreads are all crap. If not then maybe they've been run at low pressure which can result in the tyre being run on the sidewall when turning. Sidewalls may be buggered. Get them checked if you don't know much about tyres.



            • #7
              Pretty sure they're not re-treads. A quick google search on this says that the sidewall is normally a tougher compound that the tread.

              I'm getting em checked later today. M/Ts for now it seems.

