Well I bought new car last night now the 306 has been written off and after a think I realised this is the 13th car Ive owned in 11 years of driving!! The list as follows;
Renault 9 50 shades of red and filler, eventually overheated and caught fire
Austin Meastro unsafe to take on a public road, but still ran it for 3 months and sold it for £100!
Renault 5 great little car that was in good condition when I sold it on.
Renault 21 estate saved from being cut up by the fire brigade and ran for a few months then sold on to a friend who kept it ticking over to 275,000 miles
Lada Samara stop giggling at the back, this little beauty would upset many people when they were overtaken by it.
Deawoo Espero not a bad car, but suffered catastrophic electrical problems
Suzuki Vitara my first taste of 4x4s. Limited slip diff, long wheelbase. Sold it on to builder who kept it going for ages
Hilux Surf 2.4 in burgundy, replaced head, and lovingly abused. Now stood idle for past two years, awaiting funds to go back onto the road.
Peugeot 405 bought as a temporary car when the surf head blew. Held on to it though until it fell apart around me.
Ford Mondeo saved from the scrap as the 405 took its place. Surprisingly it went straight through an MOT day after I got it
Vauxhall Corsa great little car which ran for years, eventually sold on as the high miles were taking its toll. Also causing me a legal dispute with TfL because the new owner blocked a box junction, but TfL think I still owned the car and keep harassing me for the fine.
Peugeot 306 excellent car and one I thought that would last a while. However a lorry soon changed my plans and ripped the passenger side to bits, so its sadly passed away.
Renault Laguna the new toy and the newest car Ive owned, only 10 years old. Needs a little work, but then compared to my track record so far its not that bad really.
Renault 9 50 shades of red and filler, eventually overheated and caught fire
Austin Meastro unsafe to take on a public road, but still ran it for 3 months and sold it for £100!
Renault 5 great little car that was in good condition when I sold it on.
Renault 21 estate saved from being cut up by the fire brigade and ran for a few months then sold on to a friend who kept it ticking over to 275,000 miles
Lada Samara stop giggling at the back, this little beauty would upset many people when they were overtaken by it.
Deawoo Espero not a bad car, but suffered catastrophic electrical problems
Suzuki Vitara my first taste of 4x4s. Limited slip diff, long wheelbase. Sold it on to builder who kept it going for ages
Hilux Surf 2.4 in burgundy, replaced head, and lovingly abused. Now stood idle for past two years, awaiting funds to go back onto the road.
Peugeot 405 bought as a temporary car when the surf head blew. Held on to it though until it fell apart around me.
Ford Mondeo saved from the scrap as the 405 took its place. Surprisingly it went straight through an MOT day after I got it
Vauxhall Corsa great little car which ran for years, eventually sold on as the high miles were taking its toll. Also causing me a legal dispute with TfL because the new owner blocked a box junction, but TfL think I still owned the car and keep harassing me for the fine.
Peugeot 306 excellent car and one I thought that would last a while. However a lorry soon changed my plans and ripped the passenger side to bits, so its sadly passed away.
Renault Laguna the new toy and the newest car Ive owned, only 10 years old. Needs a little work, but then compared to my track record so far its not that bad really.