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Crazed psychopath

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  • Crazed psychopath

    Apparently you have amongst you a crazed psychopath - at least according to the Polo driver who rang 999. But I get ahead of myself.

    Coming out of Bedford on the way back from the 4x4 show I came round a roundabout in the righthand lane onto a dual carriageway - no one else on the road. About 2-300 yards down the road I notice a guy in a Polo coming up fast in the left hand lane so I indicated left and pulled over so that he wouldn't have to break the law. He took exception to this (I might have been a bit slow in my reactions - getting old you know) and mouthed something I didn't quite catch as he passed me. Then to my astonishment he pulled sharply in front of me and jumped on the brakes. Well, my reactions must have been warming up by then so I managed to slow down and miss him, but he then braked again, and again. Well there's only so far you can push my reactions and the front of the Surf accidently touched his tailgate (once or twice ....(or three times)). At this point he realised he might not win and decided that letting me pass him might be a good idea.

    I couldn't see any damage so I shrugged my shoulders and carried on, but he followed me. Well after about 20 miles he was becoming a nuisance so I pulled up in a layby and went back to reason with him. It was at this point I was told I was a psychopath who had rammed him 5 times and I was going down. (Nice of him to offer I thought, but a layby is sooo public). Anyway he rang 999 and relayed most of this to the police (except the offer) - I said good and went and sat in the truck and waited.

    After about 5 minutes the local constabulary arrived on blues and twos obviously expecting an axe murderer and a stoved in Polo. It was immediately obvious to the officer that there were two problems with this premise - no damage to the Polo and I had hidden the axe. This was even after the cop had seen my front number plate hanging on its safety wire, having come unclipped from the fairlead.

    Anyway after another 10 minutes of shuttle diplomacy the Polo driver was sent on his way having been told not to cut in front of 2 tons on Surf and brake and I was told not to react to idiots. I did point out to the officer that if I had wanted to ram the guy he would have stayed rammed and he looked knowingly at the ARB and nodded as if he knew what I meant.

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer

  • #2
    should have run the angry git over...
    lets go get dirty...


    • #3
      should have rang the surf police... pops terrie, loverboy, linda and me... pops would have chinned him!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Well done for keeping your cool Roger. I would have been tempted to leave him upside down on the dual carriageway and hope there were no witnesses!

        I have had a few of these muppets on the motorway. They are coming down the sliproad and you give them the courtesy of moving over. They drop in behind you in the n/s lane and as you go to move back (because you are using the m/way properly) they suddenly accellerate up the inside.

        Oh, and I have been told on good authority, because it was by the driver of a 7 series BMW, that the give way to the right rule does not apply in London, especially at the junction near Swiss Cottage. So it must be true!!!
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          give way to cars on the slip road???... nah!... just hold your speed then if they use their mirrors properly, they cal adjust their speed to slot infront or behind... usually mirror check is 2 foot before the slip ends and just the other day i had a disco drive up the dual carriageway bank!... surely he could have done over 56mph and got infront??
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Excelent job sir BUT you cant be a phycopath..................... ....
            COS YOU DIDNT DO THE
            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


            • #7
              Well done that man. Now where can I find a cheap winch bumper.....................?
              I NEED TO OFFROAD!


              • #8
                Originally posted by sumo
                Excelent job sir BUT you cant be a phycopath..................... ....
                COS YOU DIDNT DO THE
                Decided I wasn't qualified for the mudpit - kept accidently putting the truck in 4 wheel drive

                My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                • #9
                  BUY THE ARB BUMPER! It doesnt make you immune to idiots but it reduces the damage to repainting it now and then.

                  My personal Surf which I'm not even driving every day these days has been damaged four times since April and none of the other drivers has accepted any actual responsibility for the incidents though three of them are paying up under duress....

                  At the end of April I T-boned a Citroen Saxo that turned left in front of me from the righthand lane - The other driver was charged with assaulting me (but not with a motoring offence!) and I only dropped the charges after he paid the £230 cost of respraying my three week old colour coded ARB bumper.

                  Beginning of June: An old dickead in a Toyota Corolla deliberately scraped his car across the front of my newly repainted bumper after I refused to back up so he could continue to drive the wrong way down a one way lane in a supermarket car park - I'm in the process of sueing him

                  End of June I came out of a shop in Wood Green to find one front arch extension ripped off and a massive ripple in the wing. The drivers door mirror was also broken. I was told that the damage was caused by a Haringey Council truck but I dont have enough information to claim off them so I'm minus £440

                  And it just gets worse..... In the three week of July a kid in a Peugeot convertible (recklessly) overtook me as I was leaving another supermarket car park and then seconds later reversed on full lock slamming the side of his mother's car against the front of mine so hard that he broke his windscreen and shattered the nearside front wheel. This I was told by his mother was my fault, "because you could see he was going to reverse and you just sat there and let him without doing anything" - that's what I call a responsible parental attitude:-)

                  Faced with the prospect of a £1600 repair bill for her own car and the promise of me telling her insurers that her idiot son who doesnt have a full driving licence was driving she's reluctantly paying up at £50 a month

                  .....and people keep bitching at me to get a newer, smarter car <sigh>


                  • #10
                    I blame karma.

                    I like the axe idea. Or better still guns. Roof mounted shotguns. Perhaps a flame-thrower....


                    • #11
                      Elvz - on the basis of that catalogue of woe I think there is one thing you should learn:- STOP SHOPPING!

                      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                      • #12
                        Of course we are in the wrong. We are driving Surf's.
                        Its not as if you could miss it. Most are lifted, an/or mad colours.

                        " I didn't see you... (means, they weren't looking)..."
                        How many times have I heard that. Whilst their tin can foil cars crumple up into recylced waste.... meanwhile the Surf keeps plodding along.

                        Shot guns, axes, baseball bats.... your choice. They hit you and your are in the wrong for responding...

                        I salute you for your patience, tolerance and general self control that I lack.

                        I hope that I do not find myself in the same position.


                        PS. Gamedawn, Elvz, what is the model number of the ARB front bumper you have fitted...?


                        • #13
                          Mine's a Model 3214070 non-winch bumper. I imported 3 of them from America for £465 each including shipping and duty


                          • #14
                            Mine's a 3414070 winch bumper. Cost just about £500 from Frogs Island 4x4.

                            My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                            • #15

                              thanks for that.


