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front brake pads

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  • front brake pads

    OK, so I've had to replace my front pads,went metal on metal with no warning (other than I should've checked 'em before). What a Bas***d getting the old pins out!! Ended up having to file the ends before they would go thru the calipers! seems like whoever did it previously had hammered them to death..Anyway once out and everything cleaned up new ones (Nippon Nev, Llandrindod £18.99 postfree) fitted and tested. Did have to bleed the brakes tho' and then the dash light was staying on but after coming on here found out it was the float sticking so alls well.
    Posting this just for info and to say not too difficult a job. Most "handy" guys( &girls) could manage to do this themselve at relitivly small cost.

  • #2
    Nice finish there. Looks well


    • #3
      Originally posted by Zero
      Done mine last weekend
      A man after my own heart! looks good
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Nice one boys. Looking so much better than mine. Zero. where in North Wales are you?


        • #5
          Bang tidy job, 10/10 for shininess Zero & not just the new bits, the chassis looks mint too.
          If its not broke don't fix it.

