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roughtrax / DPD late delivery? :annoyed:

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  • roughtrax / DPD late delivery? :annoyed:

    Hi folks
    justa quickie to seek advice / vent my anger?
    I ordered some bits from roughtrax yesterday, and was told my items would be delivered today via DPD.
    I later the same day got an email with tracking link to DPD website.
    waited in all day for delivery and as of yet (19:45hrs) no delievery.
    The tracking update service shows parcel "arrived at local depot" at 05:50 hrs this morning - but seems not to have been updated to "out for delievery".
    So now i'm going to have to wait for next working day - wednesday - to fix my brakes.
    has anybody else had similar experience with DPD. I'm not laying any fault with roughtrax.
    I have paid for a service (next day) which I have not received.
    I have spoken to DPD automated helpdesk which states I should take it up with the sender - shifting blame to someone else when in fact they have failed.
    I know we dont live in a perfect world and sure 99.99% of the time the may well delivery on time - but they have failed 100% with my order.
    rant over - breathes out!
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    That's shoite Luck Alistair, I recently ordered top n bottom swivels n would have arrived next day (according to the txt message I got) so sounded good, but had to defer n take an alternative date as I was away ... but they tuned up on the alternative date within the 1 hour window ....

    Certainly sounds like a postcode lottery tho !!

    11+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a " T " is my Yota
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      Well, to date DPD have been faultless to a "D"...

      I have had an email from RT with the time of delivery (1 hour slot) and a text from DPD for the same...
      Personally I cannot fault them, they have been exceptional in their deliveyr.
      Now on collection, that's a different matter, no text message, no nothing, you "just have to be there" luckily I was, otherwise I'd be posting about DPD's $hite collection service...

      Compared to the other parcel deliverers, DPD rock...

      I had a chat to the last guy who was here and said the system works great cos it plans your route, time and everything. It's foolproof, apparently....

      I think you have experienced what they call a "f*ck up" in their system...

      I feel your pain as have had worse experiences with parcelforce and the guys who do the b&q stuff...

      Try complaining, I got £60 back cos of a wrong delivery. You need to log it with the driver, but then complain to customer services...
      good luck!
      "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


      • #4

        I'm with him !

        DPD have been excellent for me - far better than Shittylink etc ...

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #5
          Very annoying that, seems as RT done their bit and they are like you say shifting blame back to them. Also I know what its like waiting in all day for a delivery on a day off. So are you off the road for the weekend ?


          • #6
            DPD Delivery

            You probably have not taken into account the extra bank holidays for the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, which means your parcel will be delivered after the fuss has died down.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wolfracer View Post
              Well, to date DPD have been faultless to a "D"...

              I have had an email from RT with the time of delivery (1 hour slot) and a text from DPD for the same...
              Personally I cannot fault them, they have been exceptional in their deliveyr.
              Now on collection, that's a different matter, no text message, no nothing, you "just have to be there" luckily I was, otherwise I'd be posting about DPD's $hite collection service...

              Compared to the other parcel deliverers, DPD rock...
              Ditto, I'm surprised at this as DPD seem to be the best courier I've yet had deal with.


              • #8
                Next day..does not always include Saturday

                Hi there,first of I must say I have always had excellent service from Roughtrax,and very highly recommend them to everyone! I have also had excellent dealings with DPD. May I point out that if you check in DPDs small print,Next Day may not actually cover the weekend + also add in the Jubillee and bank holiday mayhem as well.I know it must suck,but this is what i believe may have happened.


                • #9

                  That's fair comment but he ordered on Thursday and was told delivery would be on Friday ...

                  Life is too important to take seriously !


                  • #10
                    Ordered a complete exhaust system Tuesday just after 12pm and it was delivered the next day to the garage between 8:30 and 9:00 am.


                    • #11
                      panic over - bits arrived sat afternoon - whilst i was at work.
                      my good lady took delivery and complained they were 24hrs late. the driver just shrugged and said he wasn't working yesterday and only devering what was on his list! - no appologies or explanation.

                      Anyway front brake overhaul ( new discs and toyo pads) and bearings for my bank hol project. hopefully loose the wheel wobble when breaking.
                      just done one side - disc severly discoloured and cracked/glazed/deeply pitted after three years. wheel bearings also showing some heat dicolouration/scoring - but they have been untouched for 17 years!!
                      called it a night - drivers side tomorrow.
                      Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jaky cakes View Post
                        my good lady took delivery and complained they were 24hrs late. the driver just shrugged and said he wasn't working yesterday and only devering what was on his list! - no appologies or explanation.

                        Did you get an e-mail or a text with their one hour delivery slot? If you did and they missed the slot, complain. If you didn't, or they delivered within their slot, you have no grounds for complaint. The delivery van may have been loaded and out on its run by the time your parcel arrived at the depot.

                        Whatever happened, it wasn't the driver's fault and I certainly wouldn't expect him to apologise, he doesn't know if or why they were delayed.

                        Personally, I can't fault RT or DPD.
                        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                          Did you get an e-mail or a text with their one hour delivery slot? If you did and they missed the slot, complain. If you didn't, or they delivered within their slot, you have no grounds for complaint. The delivery van may have been loaded and out on its run by the time your parcel arrived at the depot.

                          Whatever happened, it wasn't the driver's fault and I certainly wouldn't expect him to apologise, he doesn't know if or why they were delayed.

                          Personally, I can't fault RT or DPD.
                          Can't fault em either Andy... but I hate sloppiness, n clearly somebody's at fault !!

                          11+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a " T " is my Yota
                          Buncefield Burner


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            Did you get an e-mail or a text with their one hour delivery slot? If you did and they missed the slot, complain. If you didn't, or they delivered within their slot, you have no grounds for complaint. The delivery van may have been loaded and out on its run by the time your parcel arrived at the depot.

                            Whatever happened, it wasn't the driver's fault and I certainly wouldn't expect him to apologise, he doesn't know if or why they were delayed.

                            Personally, I can't fault RT or DPD.
                            As I stated in original post -I had received an email shortly after purchasing goods from RT with a link to DPD tracking website.
                            The website page has the facility to show my 1 hour delivery slot which never displayed a time as the consignment status never moved forward from " at local depot" from 05:50 hrs on the date it was due to be delivered - the date I had paid for it to be delivered.

                            the website terms and conditions do not have a clause that states - "although it is a next day service - but -if the delivery van has been loaded and out on its run by the time your parcel arrived at the depot - then tough titty" - well - that's just nonsense, and believe, if it was you, is not an excuse you would readily accept or believe either.

                            My parcel sat in the local depot for over 27 hours before being loaded into van - according to their track website.

                            Obviously the delivery driver himself was not to blame - he just drives the van, But as he is, to me, an ambasador of the company - the face and only personeel conntact I will ever have with this company who have failed me - I would expect some sort of aknowledgement of his company's failure and an apology from him on behalf of the company.
                            Its what what most people would called customer service.
                            It means and costs nothing to the driver - just a simple few words along the lines of " Oh - i'm sorry to hear that - please accept my apologies for the delay - although the delay is beyond my control I'll make sure to pass your details back to my depot superviser" etc etc
                            He could then drive away calling me all the cnuts under the sun onto his next drop - but would feel content that this incident has not gone un-noticed, and feel less inclined to not deal with them again.
                            perhaps i'm getting old and need things to complain about, but a pint of beer is a pint of beer - I paid a premium price for a premium service which I did not get. Also wasted a days holiday waiting in!
                            Last edited by jaky cakes; 4 June 2012, 08:04.
                            Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                            • #15
                              Whilst I appreciate you are obviously fcuked off with the late delivery,have you not considered the fact the service provided is far from fallible,I would suggest that you lodge your complaint with the delivery service.

                              My last delivery from R/T was sent by Royal Mail,I wasn't in when they tried to deliver,instead I had the card popped through my letter box informing me that my parcel was waiting for collection from the depot.
                              It was hardly the end of the world,at worst a slight inconvenience.
                              In fact if the part I am after is a available from a local motor factors I use them,and even if the part is more expensive generally this extra expense is cancelled out by not paying for a delivery from R/T or others.

                              In future so as to not waste a days holiday have you not considered delivery to your place of work?

                              Mistakes happen,people forget things.

