Hi guys n gals, sumo went shopping today at EGR. Now the bad news
When they found out how many I wanted they said "we cant let you have that many all at once just incase our distributers found out." "you can have that many but only 1per visit."
So I can get them but it will take longer than expected. If any of you cant wait and want to change your minds thats ok with me.I will get them as quickly as I can but that depends on how often I go it could be twice a week it could be twice a month.
Sorry to hold thing up folks but aint bureaucracy grand.

So I can get them but it will take longer than expected. If any of you cant wait and want to change your minds thats ok with me.I will get them as quickly as I can but that depends on how often I go it could be twice a week it could be twice a month.
Sorry to hold thing up folks but aint bureaucracy grand.
