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Bad wheel alignment, whats the worst you have seen?

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  • Bad wheel alignment, whats the worst you have seen?

    Hey everybody just wondering how bad has you're wheel alignments been in the past?
    Just took my truck in after it pulling to one side after a little to vigorous 4wding , got it back and the alignment shop guy showed me the results and had a good laugh about how bad it was - 24.41mm.

    I dont really know that much about wheels and alignments but even I know that one wheel pointing 24.41mm out further than the other is really bad

    Whats the worst you lot have had? It was really obvious when driving it like this so wonder if its possible that there has been worse being driven around?
    Its a new truck, Because every parts been replaced

  • #2
    Dont know the figures but at a guess it was a lot worse than that after i stuck the 2" bj spacers on, bow legged and knock knee'd at the same time, stuffed a pair of bfg's before i had a go at straightening it out, much better now, and no garages were harmed in the alignment
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

