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Boat Licensing.

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  • Boat Licensing.

    Thought I might get my Boat back on the water after 3 years. Just been told the Licence fee will be £497.39 for the year thank you !!! This I will only use the odd weekend, and Pike fishing the Fens in the Winter. Just another sign of how much things have gone up in price. There is another option of a 30 day usage for £93.70 for which I can use the Boat for a max of 30 days in a row, or 30 individual days. Ripp off Britain at is best.

  • #2
    You need a license to use a boat???

    Where does the money go then, repairing leaks in the river?


    • #3
      Yes Vince, On the inland waterways you do. Mine is only 4meters long with a 4 hp 4 stroke engine hardly ever on the water, and lives in my Barn most off the time ! Should be ashamed of themselves.


      • #4
        Cant you use it in the sea? We do, and no licensing fees (Agree with you though on rip off Britain)


        • #5
          Did'nt know they had "inland waterway" police looking for unlicensed boats.

          Do you have to tax & MOT it or is that the next thing the government will add.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Webbo View Post
            Yes Vince, On the inland waterways you do. Mine is only 4meters long with a 4 hp 4 stroke engine hardly ever on the water, and lives in my Barn most off the time ! Should be ashamed of themselves.
            What is the fine?
            Sounds to me like one of those situations where the lawabiding option has priced itself out of the market. Like those station carparks where it is cheaper to get 10 parking fines a year than pay for a season ticket...


            • #7
              Originally posted by si tate View Post
              Did'nt know they had "inland waterway" police looking for unlicensed boats.

              Do you have to tax & MOT it or is that the next thing the government will add.
              Yep the Agency Police the Waterways, or park up at the slipways reading the newspaper waiting for your return ! River Licencing is the Tax.


              • #8
                Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                What is the fine?
                Sounds to me like one of those situations where the lawabiding option has priced itself out of the market. Like those station carparks where it is cheaper to get 10 parking fines a year than pay for a season ticket...
                They will fine you quite heavy, also taking your, Boat engine trailer and everything else they see fit to.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by smurfL6 View Post
                  Cant you use it in the sea? We do, and no licensing fees (Agree with you though on rip off Britain)
                  Yes thats an option as we are on the East Coast. Like you say no licence fees for Boat or to Fish either. The one hurdle is thay all the slipways are locked with combo code for which you have to pay yearly ! I am sure I could drop it in on the coast somewhere though.


                  • #10
                    any soddin thing to get money out of ya, bstd's
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #11
                      And now I cant re register through the Environment Agency as they still have the Boat registered with the previos owner, who died over 10 years ago !!!!!!I'm going for a drive. At least my Truck wont let me down.

