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Worried About Rear Shock Bolt Shearing

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  • Worried About Rear Shock Bolt Shearing

    Hello all again,

    I'm about to do the rear springs on my surf but on having a quick look I've noticed that the bottom bolt on the shock looks like it has never been out before...
    As you can imagine I'm slightly concerned that its going to sheer off when I try to undo it and leave me in a world of Brown stuff...
    Anyone got any tips for freeing it off or if worst case happens it snaps...?
    I suppose if it snaps its down to drilling it out...
    Any advice appreciated I'm sure this must be a common problem..

    Cool Beans

  • #2
    Mine looked tight and a bit corroded but came out fine, was only the head that was a bit crunchy the rest of the bolt inside the mount was fine and looked almost new. Spray with WD40 day before and a just before removal, mine needed an 18" bar to shift it but once moving came without issue. If it feels dodgy give the flat head of the bolt a few sharp taps with a hammer.




    • #3
      Cheers Ben

      I'm planning on doing it Friday after work I've given it a few blasts of wd already so I guess I was on the right track with that...
      Once the shocks free is it fairly easy to do the spring..? How long do you think it will take to do both sides rear..?
      Cool Beans


      • #4
        Springs should be very quick.

        This is how I did it and would do it again.

        Disconnect drop links from ARB whilst truck is level, slacken wheel nuts slightly and raise one corner high enough to get wheel off, remove wheel and lower drum down onto wooden block to support axle at maximum downward travel. Remove bottom shock bolt and pull of shock free of axle then jack up chassis as far as you can and spring should be able to be pulled free, keep an eye on brake pipes when lifting to remove spring. Once spring is out put in new one, lower chassis on jack until bottom of shock is lined with mount, refit bolt then raise and refit wheel. Repeat for other side then re connect ARB and torque wheel nuts.

        Depending upon springs (old and new) you may need compressors on fuel tank side as there is less room to wiggle spring in & out, only potential pitfall is seized drop links. Should be able to do both sides in about an hour or just over providing nothing is seized.




        • #5
          Nice one much appreciated mate...
          Cool Beans


          • #6
            Changed my lower shock rubbers (and rear ARB rubbers and drop links) - surprised how easily they came out ... for once

