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serious help please nothing hiluxie tho

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  • serious help please nothing hiluxie tho

    iv not been a poster of a serious nature by any means
    i also have not been on for a while
    and in truth iam having pleblems with a dude down the street and the nextdoor but one

    and its getting me down
    so tonights normal night consisted of the pleblem driving up and down the street shouting boolicks at me has he passed the house

    so i shut the curtins and go out for a wee drive

    i end up with 2 cars boxeing me in while one reversed into me making it look like i ran into him
    the wittness drove off while i had 3 blokes trying to kick mi head in for what i dont know
    the police have been involed for about 18 months now but nothing seems to be getting done to the guy
    i did beet him up a while ago but that was for starting on me five times before i started back
    iam not the one starting this the police seem not to give a fek
    its the thurd car of mine he has damaged
    i dont know how much more i can take before i pop

    iam no softy and iam not scared of the pleblem i can kick him in any time i feel like it
    but i just dont want to
    iam too ill and too wise to just go hitting out
    but i am getting feked off with this now
    i have not got a criminal record nore do i want one

    here is my pleblem

    heres the wheel spin marks he made ramming me

    iam going up there in the day light to take more

    i feel a bit better already

    (all iss take welcome along with any advise)
    cheers dudes
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 18 March 2012, 22:19.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    oh i forget about the damage to my car (not the hilux) dates wrong i know i spoted that too its not something i checked at the time
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Should have stayed in the house mate.
      Worse thing you could have done is go out for a drive, it's obviously what they wanted you to do.

      Stay in and covertly video their behaviour so you have something to show the cops.
      Set the correct date on the camera first though.


      • #4
        you know
        you may be right there vince
        i did not think like that
        i just bugged off out for some peace
        i will set the date iam doing it right now
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          i must have changed the date has i switched it on some how
          i just changed it and i did go into the part of the menu by a slip of the finger
          i remeber now
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            Hi sorry to hear about the problems you are having .As bushwhacker has said filming them discreetly is a good idea to Show the police , another thing to do aswell is to keep a detailed written diary of and contact with them including things both you and they say with times and dates just incase somthing happens out of view of camera. Hope these ideas help good luck
            Always up to my neck in it


            • #7
              cheers dude i think its a good idea its better than going out
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                Just a note that if anything was to go to court, your footage will only stand up if you have a CCTV sign up, well that's what my mum was told for filming her neighbours who kept damaging her cars.
                You've done the right thing to hitting out, might make you feel better in the short term but will only make things worse in the long run. Keep a diary of everything they do and picture and film to prove it


                • #9
                  well mines fixed
                  it did make a right old noise the bumper was rubbing on the wheel
                  and the head light was looking at the stars

                  and a vid of it working
                  just for the noisey ones

                  i told the insurance theres no way that his car should be payed for
                  i have legal cover so i'll take it to court first besides i bet theres not a grand worth of cars between them so its not worth it on my part

                  see this is why i will never own a ford
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #10
                    Hey, Its good to talk and yep the guys are spot on with saying stay out of the line of fire if you can. It may feel good at the time to react but later it will keep your mind in the wrong set.
                    Ive been arrested 6 times and spent a little time inside because the justice system was taking to long. Anyway the perve is presently serving 3 five year sentances at last but i wish id managed not to react so i could have been there more for my family in a good way.
                    Life is a adventure, make it count 4x4 style


                    • #11
                      sounds like you been through a lot dude
                      some times i find wereing your heart on your sleeve can be the right choise to pick depending on the circumstances involed
                      hitting out is a last resort but a necessary sometimes
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #12
                        I thought you were living in a mobile home at your yard?
                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #13
                          still sorting it out the wife wont move with out everything been new
                          i told her to try a new bloke its cheaper
                          she wants fitted everything and its expencive she want and wants
                          i went to look at a ls400 about 2 months ago it was nice and clean low miles and in black
                          she nearly had kittens right there and then shouting somthing about new windows
                          personaly i cant wait to move into the static i have a curtin sider of the back of an old parcel wagon to put me surf in a
                          a work shop with 3 phase
                          all the tools i could ever need
                          2 pits to use and a ramp
                          its the perfect place to carry on with my project (aint quite told her yet)
                          the more money she see's the more she has wants and needs

                          want and needs are the same to women
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #14
                            You could try fitting something like this to your car to get proof of them ramming you (should it happen again - how about baiting them to do it again sometime once you've fitted the camera?)



                            • #15
                              my dash cam was just turned off about 5 mins before it happend soddds law
                              Last edited by JUDWAK; 22 March 2012, 10:31.
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

